Monday, 22 August 2011

Well, I Never Knew That

The Mail reports that a deep, cold current in the Atlantic has been found that would make the effects of climate change less severe. What this actually means of course is that the know-it-all, the-science-is-settled brigade once again find something they didn't previously know. The other thing they are not too clear on is why the planet goes through periodic cycles of rising and falling temperatures. Any new spike (or dip) will be due to humans though.

Not for discernible, scientifically provable reasons, but to fit with an ideology. An ideology that has been further warped by the far left who wish to destroy capitalism (because it keeps proving them wrong) and people like Al Gore who just want to get rich on the back of a phoney scare.

Is the climate changing? We don't know. If it is, what's causing it? We don't know. Should we stop pumping so much crap into the air? Yes we should.

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