When people were blown up on Tube trains and a bus, it seemed a terrible thing and we were shocked, but there is something fundamentally different about yesterday's attack in Woolwich. The barbarity was beyond belief. For people who, generally live a 'live and let live' existence it is incomprehensible. That human beings feel able to do such things, deliberately and calmly to a complete stranger is outside human experience. Only the insane and animals are capable of such acts, surely? And yet here they are, amongst us.
To confront this, to deal with it we have decided on weakness. We have given in to the mad demands of a foreign cult and asked them not to hurt us. This cowardice is exactly what the enemy despise about Western society and confirms, in their madness their actions.
Our weakness is not only to surrender to violence in the same way Tony Blair did with the IRA, but also to the Left as it uses any and all means to destroy our capitalist society. Multiculturalism was designed specifically to allow this kind of attack. The Left were aware that it would cause great upset and ghettoisation of groups. This was exacerbated by the racial 'equality' laws which were always anti-white and highlighted difference, in case you forgot.
As social workers are trained to only see child protection as a way to use children as a tool against capitalism, so the Left uses every means to destroy the Britain of note, the remarkable country that we love. Now they see that the violence that so often accompanies a tyranny with no popular support, is likely to come from extreme Muslims. This is why civilised Muslims need to stand up to them.
Whilst Christianity has done precisely the same thing in the form of the Crusades, that was in a very different time and over 900 years ago, and even then as a reaction against Muslim invasions that got as far as France and Spain. That Islam has got stuck in that age is ridiculous and holds back those countries in its thrall. Moderate Christian thought has subsequently led to great advances in the West and a peaceable attitude. The objection of the nutters like yesterday is that the West have attacked their 'brothers' in Iraq and Afghanistan.
By our own standards these were very poor decisions by some very disreputable people, like Blair and Campbell. However, at root the action was to support the ordinary people against violent bullies; in Afghanistan these are the Taliban. Of course, these bullies are Muslims and so blameless, apparently!
This strange religion, attached as it is to the Christian faith, claims that the Koran is the literal word of God (as the Bible doesn't claim to be), spoken to Mohammed and written down many years after his death. Certainly Mohammed was struggling to get his ideas of religion accepted by any real community and had to go into hiding from his enemies, who wanted to kill him.
When he emerged from the desert he was suddenly able to gain converts and his following swelled. Once powerful enough he used this force to do the religious thing and attacked and killed his enemies. His followers believed that they lived special lives and that life should be frozen in the Middle Ages. Except for anything they want. Like TV, porn, drugs, alcohol, guns, bombs, cars, everything really except that men are in charge, women do what they are told and criticism means death.
More a theological version of communism really.So, we need to treat this seriously at last and require the Muslims and the Left to shape up or ship out. And not let up until it is done.
On a separate note, it was disappointing that the armed police (who took a strangely long time to get to the incident) shot and wounded these men, rather than being able to kill them. A man with a chair leg in a bag is shot dead, but real criminals get wounded. Ending these animals lives would have been so much better too, than the ridiculous trial our Left wing judges will 'subject' them to with prison sentences at the end of it. Or a caution if the Met Commissioner had his way perhaps.
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