Thursday, 9 September 2010

Only A Moron

We find ourselves in the year 2010. Now, there is enough argument about whether it is Twenty Ten or Two Thousand and Ten, without considering why it's 2010. But it is 2010 of course because that is how many years have passed since the supposed date of Christ's birth (anno domini, rather than After Death as is sometimes believed -that would leave the whole of Christ's life as a gap!). Hence when referring to ancient matters the books of my childhood spoke of BC and AD for before and after Christ. It doesn't matter hugely, but that is the system that has been in use, well, for over two thousand years. It is what you could call established, common currency, familiar if somewhat arbitrary, but so would be any other date we chose as day 1.

Now however the Idiots (I think I might use this term 'Idiots' as an official description. The communists rely on 'useful idiots' who help them achieve their objectives, but those I speak of don't even have that utility), by which I mean liberal elitists, have decided to expunge Christianity. I'm sure it is because someone might be offended (though offending Christians it would seem, doesn't matter). We are now living in the year 2010 CE. Not a huge difference. The year is the same but it refers to the Current Era. Obviously this infers the other era is Before the Current Era and both naturally refer to the the birth of Christ as the start point, but without actually drawing attention to that fact. It does allow of course, another era to be proclaimed at some point in the future. Maybe Tony Blair would have liked 1997 to be the new year 1, in a humble if you must force it upon me, how can I refuse, kind of way.

But how witless, how simply, mortifying moronic. The date is based on Christianity but we mustn't say so, we may keep the dating system but deny how it came about. I suppose the full explanation goes something like this. 'we now live in the year 2010, based on a system using the birth of the Christian religion's icon, Jesus Christ. This is because the dominant civilisation at the time was mainly Christian.' Instead of the explanation I understood as a child; 'the date is based on the birth of Christ'. Oh, OK.

And that really is it. It doesn't need explanation, which is necessary when using the Idiots version, although it sounds more like an apology in their context. What is it with these Liberal Elitists who seek to undermine our society? What are they ashamed of? They seem completely unable to understand that that was then and today is today. You cannot judge a bygone era by the standards of today and certainly not by a standard set by some psychologically flawed, whining Idiot.

Only a moron would come up with the thoroughly divisive BCE/CE label and only a moron would give it any currency. The fact that it most commonly crops up in academically minded publications (popular or not) only makes it worse and shows how this perversion is pushed through academia itself and uses Political Correctness to bully everyone else. I loathe its use and shiver every time I see it in a book.

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