Thursday, 14 April 2011


So, this region has now had 'digital switchover'. Whoopee do. We now receive television exclusively via digital signal. What does this mean in practice? Well I have had to buy an enhanced aerial for my portable telly and a 'set top box'. I have Sky for the main set so nothing has changed there. Except, Sky do rather like you to leave your box switched on (in standby) so they can still access it. Similarly the other box is left in standby, though I do unplug the transformer for the aerial. So, extra purchases and extra electricity usage, that will please the eco-nazis.

Did I ask for digital? No. So how come a purely commercial decision, that digital appeals to the broadcasters, become backed by the force of government? Who knows. For Freeview, which will be the best option for many people who were completely happy with the previous provision you really need a rooftop aerial and bigger than that required by the old analogue system. Such is progress.

The question remains why? If it hadn't been forced on us we wouldn't have adopted it, so it was not for the service of customers, it was entirely profit driven. I suppose businesses are run by voters, but they do seem to have some remarkable clout, for a small segment. It is what should be expected in a country that lives by the code; a government of the people, run for the sponsors by the politicians.

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