Tuesday, 19 February 2013

The Dangers In Modern Politics

A number of problems with modern politics and politicians are plain to see; they only talk among themselves creating a bubble within which they exist, they all cleave to the centre ground and they lack dynamism. But for me, the underlying issues that drive them are the real problem.

Why do they all want to be centre oriented? Because being conservative, middle of the road is the least offensive position, gets the least objection. And modern politicians are looking for a magic formula to get elected and stay in power forever. There, already we have two dangerous problems coming together.

This means dynamic politicians need to be stifled and not allowed to 'rock the boat'. Now, some would point out that surely Blair was not of the staid mould, surely he was dynamic? But that is to confuse his personal greed and ambition for political machinations with political dynamism.

What in policy terms would you say Blair achieved? He banned hunting with dogs. And er, nothing else. Sure, he started a war with Iraq but that wasn't policy or for any other reason than he thought it would bring glory for his statesmanship. In fact of course, the Americans, on whom he was relying to do all the actual fighting and dying, had also entered the fray without any real clue.

Our politicians are quite keen to avoid any investigation into what they actually do, now that the EU pretty much runs everything (see the food safety scare currently running). The base level corruption of our politicians, evidenced by their expenses claims and much else, is due to the lack of oversight, lack of any real role and lack of effective leadership. Which is linked to that dynamism thing.

For me though there is a bigger problem with what is already a scandalous waste in politics and that is what this indolence allows to happen. Quietly, whilst no one in power can be bothered to do a job, certainly not properly, the Left are creeping through their agenda.

Morons who claim at various times to hold high office, put the weight of government and taxpayers money behind things solely designed to undermine the country; homosexual issues, racial, welfare and criminal issues, all of which result from a loss of moral certainty. And as a prize to show how powerful they are, to show the immense stupidity of politicians and to set their lust for corruption in train, the Left have promulgated the climate change scam.

Utterly unbelievable and easily proven wrong headed, the Left use it as a cipher for their power over politics. If they can get everyone to say that a clearly naked man is wearing a fine set of clothes then they truly have a grasp on power.

When our courts are prepared to put feral, serial thugs in to prison for taking another life and rate that life as worth two years loss of liberty, then the Left are surely succeeding. One day these very violent people will realise that the police do not see their job as protecting the public any more and will range at will across the country. The recent riots give a small foretaste of what we can expect.

At this point the Left will act decisively. They will seize power in the name of saving the country. They will use armed force to suppress the mayhem and martial law will be declared. Once they have achieved this, they will never let go. We will have a communist, totalitarian regime that essentially we invited by our indolence.

The curse of it is that all we need to break the chain leading to this outcome is a dynamic leader. Someone who will just say the things we need to do and then do them. A man (or woman) who will support the NHS whistleblowers and imprison those who did harm. More than that, someone who thinks the mass killing that has taken place is actually important, because it isn't being treated as such currently.

Someone who will say the EU and 'renewables' are both just costly scams and end our subservience to both. Someone who says that the country is broke and cut back government spending, which can easily be done by deleting the bits that don't actually do anything; Quango's, equality and diversity wallahs and great swathes of bureaucracy that merely gets in each others way (like the monolithic MoD that only serves to make costly mistakes and let the front line troops down).

It isn't difficult, but it isn't the work of a moment, though by God it would fundamentally transform the UK into a world leader again, not least in ideas. And saving us from the anarchy and destructiion long dreamed of by the Left would be a blessing itself. It is always difficult however to understand what you have saved yourself from. When we really do lock up a dangerous murderer, we can never know who remains alive as a result, who would otherwise have been killed.

Can you imagine a Britain where the police are polite and helpful, where they take the side of the law abiding against criminals and where they don't talk of 'preferable outcomes' and 'moral equality'?

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