Wednesday, 4 February 2015

You Dead Yet?

Obviously, as you are reading this you didn't get killed by someone driving at 31mph. Possibly because he braked when he saw you. Additionally, you have avoided swine flu, bird flu, salmonella, MRSA (probably by staying out of hospital) and several other mishaps that the authorities and its experts predicted you would succumb to.

But most amazingly, you have dodged vCJD. As we know from global warming, scientists know everything and never get anything wrong. That is why we listen to their every utterance with reverence. And why they are so often cited to stop us asking questions.

So, when Professor Richard Lacey said that half a million people would be dying of CJD by 2016, it would as night follows day, come to pass. So maybe you are dead. Or definitely several people you know.

Checking the record seems to suggest we are expecting a pretty big leap next year because the number of deaths due to vCJD in 2013 was precisely 1. And in 2014 none at all. This is only evidence of course, just a statement of fact, which as we again have learnt from global warming isn't as true as what they think. There are probably 499,999 deaths hidden somewhere that we haven't correctly attributed.

Its not me, its you, as scientists would say.

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