There seems to be a genuine groundswell of opinion that the UK could not survive outside the EU. This is only partly based on the endless stream of fantasy and lies issuing from the Prime Minister and cronies, but more from the ingrained 'feeling' for how things need to be, in the mind of the ordinary member of the public.
The Marxists will be pleased that the effort over decades to influence and basically destroy fundamental education in the UK has been such a success. The first thought is for big government, government that tells us what to do in any and every situation.
World government in fact, which would mean an end to war and everyone just getting along. Which is very much the sixth-form common room level of understanding that used to end when faced with reality (and responsibility). Now, it can continue even extending to infantile views being acceptable.
When you are at school you are taught, just given information (I'm referring to 'old school' when education, not left ideology was on the agenda). But, as someone once said to me, at university you learn how to learn. I'm sure we can all agree that the vast majority of graduates these days leave you in no doubt that this is no longer true.
What an excellent society, so easy to control. So far from a society where government just doing the jobs required of it and no more, leaves the individual alone to live life based on knowledge and experience gained and freely given.
Freely? Do I mean free university education? Yes, very probably, that would be a good use of government effort, as long as the free education was for academic subjects not for entertainment. If you want to 'study' Walt Disney films or Manchester United, then let institutions offer the courses at full market rates.
And so to the headline of this post. Lies. It is essential that lies are allowed in politics if we are to have an EU style government. Think tractor production statistics and you are on the right path.
It amuses me that people who otherwise 'like' the EU (and probably in their minds that means in a Facebook kinda way), get a little annoyed about immigration and the obvious inability of our government (in Westminster) to control our borders. But that is only the current issue. Under the EU, when the ultimate goal of a superstate with a single currency (two things Cameron says Britain will never join!) is achieved, we won't be controlling anything.
So, overrun with immigrants today, destroyed financially tomorrow? It absolutely beggars belief that anyone could vote for such a pointless, useless, wasteful irrelevance, but they do! The inability to use simple reasoning really is beyond a lot of people. Research something? Understand a subject? Find stuff out? Are you mad, they say.
I'll say it again, because it really is so true (and amongst a sea of lies); the only people who could vote for the EU are those financially connected to it or those who don't understand.
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