Monday, 5 December 2016

"You Can't Do That"

In the strange world we allowed to evolve around us (now seeing the first signs of correction), there are so many things you 'cannot' say or do. These are exclusively things that would offend a Leftie. And woe betide anyone who says anything that a Leftie disagrees with! That is straightforward abuse, bullying. Possibly even criminal.

Safe spaces in universities so poor, barely educated little darlings can stay protected from the real world and certainly from non-Leftie views (surely the whole point of universities these days, the promulgation of Leftie-ness?)

And particularly the inability to think for oneself. This leads to massive problems, like the absence of credibility within the Man Made Global Warming scare not being blatantly obvious, the constant wail for government to 'do something' about everything that causes the least concern and nobody having a realistic view of the harm multiculturalism does to everyone.

But then, the Lefties have worked long and hard to disrupt and destroy our society and the ties that bind. Out of disorder of course, the cleverer than us Leftie elite can step in and save us. In a sort of Castro/Stalin kind of way. You know, I'm alright Jack.

So, today, can the Judges of the (ludicrous) Supreme Court stop themselves from ignoring real legal issues and instead try to involve themselves in politics, as their colleagues did recently? Can they understand the concept of democracy or will they stick to edicts from a benign elite (them)?

When Dons need counselling for stress and anxiety caused by Brexit, you feel you shouldn't get your hopes up that Common Sense is anywhere near.

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