Theresa May calls a snap election out of nowhere, just after a paper was speculating that she doesn't like being PM and can't wait to stand down. Nicola Sturgeon says it is divisive, which she seems to say about most things, but like a stuck clock she is right every so often. Such as parliament, which is divisive, bearing in mind there is the government and there is Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition (and the Scots Nats who are neither).
As the useful idiots of Brussels and their hopeless Project Fear have been well and truly kicked into the long grass, it seems a little cruel of Mrs May to go into the long grass and kick them a little further. Maybe they will even reach the sunny uplands of their EUtopia, where unemployment is low to non existent (well, in Germany anyway), where economic woes have been dispelled and a trade surplus blossoms (er, if you're Germany) and your fellow citizens embrace as brothers, sharing the same laws, taxes, wealth and the holy benefits of the ECJ and Human Rights. All of which isn't true anywhere in Europe.
As long as Habeus Corpus doesn't matter to you, democracy doesn't matter, or the principle that the state owns you and tells you what to do and what to think is completely OK with you, then the EU is the place to be. A great idea.
If however, you believe in the Common Law, owned by the people and exercised on their behalf by an elected government, then Theresa May is the person to lead the country and deserves your vote. A further chance to tell the Marxist Left that we are fed up with their political correctness and being pushed about by the over mighty petty bureaucrats, so beloved of institutions like the EU.
Fed up with the Elite's sense of entitlement, the lies about tax cuts, green taxes and subsidies, the global warming scam, the end goal of the EU project, the whole lot.
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