Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Brexit Confusion

Whilst keeping you in the dark and feeding you manure has long been a necessary for those who support the Sovietisation of Europe, it is interesting how much actual confusion there is over a fairly simple concept.

Under the much-ridiculed-as-out-of-date notion of democracy, a very clear majority of the population voted to leave EU dictatorship whilst there was still time. But it seems there may be a majority of MP's who want to stay part of the political gravy train that is the substance of EU politics, probably for highly moral reasons.

And this is what they understand to be democracy; what they want is most important. The people who elected them should have no say. So they are confused.

Then there is the constant wittering about Britain not having a plan for Brexit, when clearly we do. you invoke Article 50 as the official way of letting the autocrats in Brussels know that the UK is leaving their clutches. There is not much we can do beyond that. The EU have to then let us know how we proceed in dealing with them from here. The EU, not us.

For instance; as we have seen over decades the EU is basically a collection of politicians who emulate six year olds, so they say we have to pay tariffs to sell goods to them. We try to talk them out of it and if they won't then a) we sell to other markets and b)impose tariffs on them.

They come out worse in such a scenario but the essence is, it is led by them. It is their game we are leaving.

Then we are told that we are complete idiots, because there is no way we can conclude the 'negotiations' in two years. There are two problems with this statement; 1) it is entirely possible, but it would require the EU to participate and act like grown-ups and 2) the two years mentioned is an EU statement, part of their Article 50. So, they clearly thought two years enough.

It is obvious that the arrogant and probably insane people who run the EU have never planned for anyone getting away from them. Clearly it is the EU that has no plan. That is the problem. Oh and we should know them by their actions. What is the one thing they have been fixated on since our referendum? Money. How much can they screw out of us.

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