Monday, 26 March 2018

Is Labour Anti-Semitic?

There are numerous, almost unending examples of anti-Semitism at the forefront of the Labour political machine, since Corbyn became leader. Corbyn either doesn't apologise, denies the truth or issues a non-apology apology (as now). So, yes Labour is deeply rooted in anti-Semitism.

Naturally, with such a high profile story affecting the leader of the Opposition, the BBC led with it at lunchtime news. They reported what people were saying and then went to interview their own political correspondent, as is the vogue these days. He skirted around the subject and didn't offer any analysis either, like why people are making the accusation, what the substance was.

In other words, the BBC admit it is an important story, but do their best to just give an anodyne report allowing lefties and those who don't generally pay attention to think it is all hot air and not worth the bother.

Not a huge surprise for an organisation run by rich, dinner-party lefties who are absolutely certain that they know more than you and are better people too.

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