Friday, 15 July 2011

Abbott on Brown

Unbelievable. Diane Abbott may be most famous for saying that other people should not be allowed to send their children to 'elite' schools, whilst she should be, but last night on 'This Week' she excelled even this.

Straight-faced the champagne socialist spoke of the speech by Gordon Brown in the House of Commons. She started by saying she was actually there, which is nice as the dim witted general public thought parliamentary debate etc was rather what the £65,000+ that MP's receive from them, was for. Still, this allowed the Abbott to say categorically that it was an amazing sight, that the passion that Gordon felt clearly came through. What is the woman on? Brown was passionate about something that completely passed him by previously. It was the mock outrage of the cynical politician, but in this case one with no talent to deceive; he certainly is no Blair. Brown was merely setting up a political position that presumably he plans to come back to later, to attack News International/Corp. in some way. He is unhinged and Abbott supporting such feckless abandonment of principle should be seen as what it is, shameless politicking. It does make you wonder if, despite their protestations of effort, politicians can climb up to the level of respect the phone hacking journalists currently possess.

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