Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Brown 'In Tears'

More mysterious mutterings about what people know (touch side of nose) of the hacking scandal at News International (now that the Sun and Sunday Times have had fingers pointed at them we can no longer call it the NotW scandal). Policemen knew they were hacked but felt churlish about mentioning it before apparently and Gordon Brown knows about his son's medical records being hacked, his own bank accounts and that this was done by criminals. The police investigation continues in slow motion it seems and Robert Peston (who should have been imprisoned previously) may be 'too close' to a NI person.

In fact the investigation has all the makings of a Jarndyce and Jarndyce. The politicians will hope so no doubt. And with rumours as to who is to look into police conduct it is like asking a paedophile to run a school. Proof if ever you needed it that the politicians never, ever learn anything. They are persisting with moving inappropriate people around, into inappropriate jobs, just to repay old debts and keep in with the right people. Remember, there are allegations of murder floating around regarding the very strange death of Dr David Kelly and yet we mustn't have an inquest, with all its legal powers and responsibilities. What hope that the smoke canisters are not as yet being deployed around this unholy and entirely self inflicted mess from News International and politicians and favours.

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