Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Binge Drinking

There was an article on the lunchtime news that the French, for so long able to drink without being stupid about it, are turning to binge drinking. Of course this doesn't just affect the people who do it, it also leads to extremes of behaviour and violence. Not a good sign for France.

However, it was interesting to note the tone of the article. Now it may just be the BBC's inability to report anything as news alone, without adding their own left-liberal spin, but you perhaps would not be surprised at what they were saying. The cause they decided was small shops selling drink late at night and music bars and the price of alcohol being too low.

At no point was there any criticism of the individuals who act in such an anti-social and idiotic fashion. For the Left there is never a situation where criticism of the individual has a place when the state can get involved. Hence the 'low price' jibe. It is only tangentially relevant, as being able to afford a lot of drink means you can binge drink. But it still isn't the whole truth, else why does not everyone who can afford alcohol, binge?

No, the state can interfere with price controls and bans on the timing and the way that alcohol is sold. In the main. the Left don't care whether these measures work or not, their only concern is the accretion of power. The reason that people see nothing wrong with binge drinking, is because they have lost the respect for others that used to underpin civilised society. Now, it is only important that you do what you want and no one has the right to criticise. This moral decline is the result of the socialist policies that have held sway for so long now.

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