Monday, 5 September 2011

Green Energy

It is becoming more of a topic talked about openly; the cost of 'green' energy. So, how much tax are you prepared to pay, to get 'sustainable' energy? It seems a lot of people answer 'very little', or 'none' to that question.

But nobody is asking that question, as we already are paying greatly inflated prices for our energy, to pay for fantasy 'solutions' to a non existent problem. Wind farms receive subsidies to get them built. They are then guaranteed a purchaser and at twice the price of 'normal' electricity. Naturally, many people are keen to have windmills on their land because of the large rents paid (such as the £1000 a day Cameron's father in law gets) and the people who run the monsters have guaranteed profits for decades.

But for those who believe in AGW (and presumably any other passing fashion) paying this tax and more may be acceptable. But wind power only works when the wind is blowing at the right speed, not too fast not too slow and this is unpredictable, so a back up, non wind related power station has to be up and running the whole time, for the moment the wind stops providing. And sometimes wind generates too much and overloads the system (because of its unpredictability) as has happened in Europe.

So, wind power, mainly pointless (produces about 21% of its theoretical maximum) and costs more in CO2, not less. But, hey a lot of rich people are getting richer and as Al Gore knows, that is the reason politicians support the scam (though it is entirely possible Chris Huhne actually believes in fairies).

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