Saturday, 28 July 2012

The Ceremony

It is now essential to have a spectacular opening ceremony for the Olympics and hosts now feel obliged to outdo all previous events. London 2012 was an amazing show of technical brilliance and an example of how to choreograph on scale. The subject matter was a little painfully worked though and I'm sure would have mystified many foreign viewers.

The bizarre eulogising of the NHS was typical Leftie nonsense, only they believe it is the envy of the World. Many people in this country are worthy and some are doctors and nurses, but the Left only deal with ideology. It is a pity such overt (and ridiculous, as ever) political statements dot anything you let the arty Left loose with. Luckily it didn't overwhelm the genuine talent that these people have and the commitment and dedication of the actors, both professional and amateur volunteer.

Highlights were of course the humour, Mr Bean and Her Majesty allowing herself to be included in a Bond skit. Much praise to the orchestra for playing so well whilst a focus is placed on the comedy amongst them. The lighting and the fireworks, again were examples of technical excellence.

Picking the music, of which Britain has an enormous outpouring of immense quality, was poorly done. Too much mediocrity (Arctic Monkeys?), forgetting to emphasise quality. Picking a group to give some focus on, who are popular with a narrow age group of late teens was a mistake. A bit like whoever decided to play a recording of McCartney singing Hey Jude, whilst the man himself was performing. Luckily, despite the hour he was allowed to play on.

Overall, a very fine spectacle and something to be proud of; Let The Games Begin! (Oh, they have!)

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