Sunday, 2 September 2012

Creationists - Stupid Or What?

I have a bit of a problem with the Theory of Evolution as it currently stands; it doesn't seem very credible. It might just need a bit of polishing up or it might be a bit of a blind alley and something more sophisticated is responsible. The latter represents my view, that evolution is not blind and random, but the result of responses to powerful stimuli.

We are, as I write being subjected to a politically correct pile of dross on BBC 4, that cannot, as is the way of the BBC stick to a point but must stick a knife in what it sees as the enemy. Here, under the guise of the collision of Darwin's scientific views and his wife's faith, the BBC are attempting to show how ridiculous the alternative is; Creationism.

For the zealots there can only be one alternative to their proven case and that is a stupid one. That theirs is proven and the other wrong is entirely their view of course. As is the vogue today, science is right on everything. We require no investigation on anything, scientists understand it all.

Strangely, the hysterical rantings of the Evolutionists is similar to their espousal of Man Made Global Warming. This theory also cannot be wrong and no further investigation is needed, or indeed should be allowed. The lack of scientific foundation for MMGW is very similar to the faith based beliefs of the Creationists.

When you don't know something it is noble to attempt to discover the truth. But stopping when you find a theory that fits your politics is about as unscientific as it gets. Trying to stop any discussion shouts loud that even you don't believe your own output.

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