Recently senior Tories have been booed at the Paralympics and the Chancellor is much hated polls suggest. Now, whilst I'm sure a good part of this is due to a public that isn't grown up enough to realise they have to pay for past follies, a greater part is the success of the Left in demonising, well anyone that isn't them.
During every sojourn of dalliance with socialist government, the country has suffered. The British sense of fair play eventually says, 'let Labour have a go'. After a couple of years it becomes apparent that Labour can't deliver. They are a confused mish-mash of socialist ideas, corrupt, wealth seeking politicians and communists within and pushing from the Unions.
It makes it difficult for them to achieve anything useful. The country begins to decline (remember the strikes of the Seventies, the piles of rubbish in the streets?) and the incoming administration (obviously Conservative, as the only other major party is formed of hopeless dreamers) has the difficult job of putting things right, which can be painful and creating a properly functioning country again.
This was what Maggie did from 1979 and even Major continued, once his determination to get us into the Euro had been sunk by reality. This was when people still took their personal responsibilities seriously and felt, instinctively that the country was theirs, run by politicians of their choosing. But then a snake-oil salesman came along, under the guise of Labour, just as the country became ready to give them a try, again.
Blair was a very different politician. He wanted power in the same way a North Korean leader does and he wanted a spin off from that power, in the form of personal wealth. His government quickly established it was open for business, accepting bribes from the very outset. His cabal of incompetent, but like-minded charlatans, heading the government had absolutely no interest in policy, or law making, they just wanted the power and the money.
Hence the most ridiculous and un-British laws crept in as vested interests sought advantage. Foreign companies were allowed free rein to create near monopolies all the better to extort the British people. All manner of scams (renewable energy) were permitted, because the government and its carefully politicised civil servants were careless and conflicted, often gaining financially from decisions they made.
Blair installed a madman in the Treasury who talked about his achievements before he could have created any and proceeded to evolve policies of the most lunatic variety. He was covered from exposure by the sophisticated lying machine in No10 run by Alistair Campbell and the complicity of bankers, to whom he turned his blind eye.
The result, as we now know was the moral and economic collapse of this country. And yet, somehow it is the fault of the Tories and they are now vilified for even mentioning ways to put things right. People are still listening to Labour mouthpieces even when they are as stupid, politically as Ed Miliband and proven destroyers such as Ed Balls. It is true Cameron is an extremely weak leader, who knows what needs to be done and sometimes actually announces it, only to come away from the microphone saying 'was that a bit much?' He constantly claims his dithering is because he is being held back by the Lib Dems and whilst there is some truth in this (look at how boundary changes were denied by the bunch of petulant children that makes up the Lib Dems, for personal reasons to the detriment of the country), it is not the whole story.
The traditional British resolve has been undermined both by immigration bringing in weaker cultural influences quite often and by the emasculation of the population by the nanny state of the Left. People no longer think for themselves, they wait for the state to 'do something' and are unwilling or incapable of taking responsibility for their own situation.
Cameron is claiming to have strengthened the traditional part of conservatism with recent personnel changes, but he still needs to realise how deep the problem is. Green energy is a scam. To prove it, take away the subsidies and see how many companies stay on track, with a proper, functioning product. The answer is none.
It is a form of communism that seeks to order the world and must be stopped. Instead, why not incentivise companies to develop real and new technologies to replace the poison emitting internal combustion engines of our cars? Because currently no-one is seriously attempting to do so. The manufacturers are too aware of constant changes of policy by government and more concerned with earnings today, subsidies and grants.
And the EU, another communist project also delights our 'Conservative' Prime Minister. These are the real challenges, the things we need to put right, not go along with because the children's books, called Labour policy documents hold sway with a childish, ill-educated (and how did that happen?) population.
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