Thursday, 29 August 2013

Syria, Oh Syria

Well here we are again, on the horns of a dilemma. Whilst being sure that we have said before that Assad is a thoroughly unpleasant man, we haven't gone any further than that because we don't interfere when dictators torture and kill their own people. It's not up to us. Just look at Zimbabwe.

But when chemical weapons are used we become outraged at the inhumanity of it. Why we don't just admit the truth of it and say that what actually troubles us is that the nutcase might use them against us, I can't guess. But of course, that is what it is about.

A wise man, concerned with issues of humanity (so not a politician chasing power or anyone on the Left) would long ago have engaged in strong and unequivocal language with Assad, not to depose him, but to show him that, in the long run being a nicer guy would work for him. And make his country more successful.

It wouldn't have been easy but would not have entailed shipping tanks half way around the world, or lying to the electorate about a personal desire for war. But because we do only have venal politicians at present, nothing constructive has been done about Syria and amazingly it has all gone pear shaped. Who would have guessed?

What can we do in Syria? Only one thing. Insert a very large armoured force between Assad and the rest of the country, neutralising any restive military bases as well. This is very much not what the politicians want to do for reasons of cost and image, but it is the only thing we can do.Then we discuss with Assad what we should have been saying years ago.

We could destroy selected military and governmental targets to show how strong we are. And he will kill some civilians or destroy a town to show how little impact it has actually had. We could assassinate Assad which would leave a power vacuum and cause unpredictable polarisation. Though it also asks the key question, by doing so, who are we supporting?

Because the original rebels, fighting for a better and more just Syria, have been subsumed by Iranian and Russian supported nutters from overseas. Muslim Brotherhood and others of an international Islamic bent wishing to impose their own version of theocracy (political religion) in place of the current secular dictatorship. And then start killing the Christians and the 'wrong' Muslims.

Brilliant. It is not a case of we are damned if we do and damned if we don't, we are in a situation caused by our own lack of a clear moral stance at the international level.

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