Just seen the latest disgraceful behaviour of violent, Marxist anti-capitalists on the news, where the enemy is a fuel that will help make heating affordable for the poor. It is amazing that in a compassionate country we do not have enough mental care homes for them and enough prisons for a good number of them. They are here, seeking to recreate North Korea to meet their ideological goals in Britain. Successful economies terrify them as people don't tend to tolerate totalitarian regimes when they have access to opportunity.
So cheap fuel is an absolute horror for them. With the global warming scam they thought they had the perfect weapon to destroy Western civilisation, democracy and capitalism. But people quite like choice, wealth and being able to make better lives for themselves. These Marxists though want a state where you only do what you are told. By them of course.
They can't work of course, because they have to bring about Utopia and have to spend their time thinking up rules. You have to work to pay taxes to support them, naturally. And they will need cars and special lanes to drive in due to the urgent nature of their business, on your behalf. And we must build a defence against the end of the World.
Heard this somewhere before? Yep, the Global Warming scam is just the Marxists having a laugh but actually using a version of Animal Farm for real. And sops like Cameron don't even realise, that is the biggest joke. The Red/Greens have conned you with the most obvious scam they could think of and you still fell for it!
Or maybe it was inspired by the slightly less profound, Chicken Little. Same story, same substance.
Next time an eco loon tells you what to think ask them to prove it. Not quote how many people they claim support their view, real provable, observable facts. Let me give you a prediction. At that point they will call you a fascist and move on.
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