Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Harman And The Paedophile Information Exchange

First of all, I was amazed to stumble across the Harman/NCCL story on Newsnight last night (a usually unwatchable programme). I was amazed because it was a negative story about a Left wing person and fairly extreme Left at that, who are normally a protected species as far as the BBC (and Guardian/Observer) are concerned.

Cynicism held its ground though as the interviewer, Laura Kuenssberg started with a leading question blaming The Mail for making her have to speak out, to defend herself. Harman readily agreed and I expected this to continue, but as Harman was plainly not going to give a straight answer to even fairly innocuous questions, Laura appeared to get a bit annoyed. She started insisting on getting an answer, or failing that, to keep asking.

Exasperated at such unexpected quizzing from the normally reliable BBC, Harman launched a remarkable, unsupportable tirade against The Mail, suggesting, but not directly saying, that it prints pictures of 'very young girls in bikinis', meaning under-age. Meaning, but not saying.

The performance of the money grubbing politician (her and her husband both suck on the State) was incredible. The NCCL didn't vet 'affiliates' they just took the money, so it wasn't a 'real' relationship. She knew nothing about the PIE, spoke out against them at the time and they had been got rid of by the time she joined. Laura said they were affiliated from 1976 to 1983. Harman did a 'and your point is?' reply.

At the outburst about Mail pictures, Laura tried to get her to confirm she was all but accusing The Mail of publishing paedophile pictures, but all she got was a smug smile from Harman of the 'its self evident, surely' variety. The lawyer in her carefully not saying what she is clearly inferring. Like trying to ignore the letter she wrote for the NCCL objecting to the possession of pornographic pictures of children becoming a crime.

Just as outrageous though, was when normal service was resumed next day on the BBC Breakfast programme. Here the 'news' article about the interview, concentrated on the 'fact' that The Mail publishes pictures that are, well, you know. And that Harman had been smeared by the paper. The report even said that the NCCL was 'once' associated with the Paedophile Information Exchange. 'Once' here meaning from 1976 to 1983.

As ever, Left wing politics trumps all, including the welfare of children. Nothing is more important than ideology.

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