Thursday, 22 January 2015

Are You Not Fed Up With Being Lied to Yet?

It is so depressing and it goes on and on. But then, that is the point of propaganda, particularly in support of anti-democratic ideas. You only need to con people, of course, when the majority would otherwise not put up with you and your antics.

Last night on BBC Look East there was an article about the referendum and the prospect of the UK leaving the EU. A video link to some supporter of the EU was shown and she was asked to list some reasons why it would be dangerous to leave. How this constituted 'news' or met legal obligations regarding balance and lack of bias I have no idea.

But naturally, it is a necessary response when people are starting to realise that our companies sell to people, not political ideas. So, the prospect of some Germans saying they won't buy our cheese, for instance, because we leave a polity of which their country (more accurately, region of the EU) is a controlling force, is ludicrous.

The politicians could, if they wanted, impose tariffs on UK products but this would get a similar response from us and guess what, the EU needs our trade more than we need them. Apparently, there are other countries in the world! Imagine.

The silly Jilly on the telly said that EasyJet wouldn't exist if it were not for the EU. This, naturally enough coming from an EU supporter is a straightforward lie. But EasyJet make your flights cheaper and so you love it, hence allying the EU to it. But airlines such as this exist because of international agreements that the EU, as our supreme government, introduce.

And that brings up a powerful point that the EU propagandist on the telly strangely didn't. These international bodies, making most of the world wide agreements these days bring together the countries of the world to reach these agreements.

As Britain is no longer a country, but rather an EU region, we have an influence level of one twenty eighth of one vote in these negotiations. Norway, trading with the EU but not a part of it has a direct influence. As does Papua New Guinea if they want it. But not Britain.

We can talk all kinds of common sense at the EU meeting before the World meeting the EU will attend, but the points raised will be those that suit France and Germany (but mainly France), it being their club after all.

Are you not fed up yet with all this Leftie cant? How much can you take? Being told incessantly what to do and even what you are allowed to think. In what way is this part of the great tradition of common law, where the people own the law not the state, that we developed over centuries and gave to the world? When did a politician last do something for the good of the country rather than to gain power or for their own gain in other ways (apart from Gove in education, but that was soon stopped).

What would be wrong with allowing people more say over their own government, being allowed to keep more of their own money and spending it how they want, rather than the state confiscating it and handing back what they deem appropriate (with quite a lot going 'missing' along the way)?

We already have a police force that generally ignores real crime and spends its time enforcing the petty regulations of its masters in politics. We already have a population cowed into believing there are things you cannot say. A government that we can't elect and that rules us absolutely. But, by the tips of our fingernails there remains enough of the old world that we can break free of the stranglehold, the dead hand of 'Europe' around our necks.

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