I gather some approximations of human beings drove Nigel Farage and family out of a pub at the weekend. I'm not sure if they objected to Nigel existing, to his family, to his right to have a pub lunch or what.
But here is the thing; we are constantly bombarded by stunts and media bile aimed at UKIP for daring to represent views contrary to the Establishment view. That Establishment view now being of course deeply Left wing. UKIP we are told are so nearly extreme Right (which it goes without saying means vile), really just a bit of the EDL etc. Violent, racist, homophobic thugs.
And where does most of the actual, real, happening violence come from? The Left, the Marxists and their travelling companions. 'Poll Tax' riots? A concocted effort of the Left. So called 'race riots'? Again, not based on anything but the agitators of the Left.
It really is time to wake up Britain. This is how the totalitarians attain power everywhere be it Russia, North Korea, Germany or France. Tin pot tyrants use the lack of resolve of the calm majority to their advantage by being extremely violent and simultaneously pointing and saying 'look over there at the nasty man'.
Blair wasn't such a beast. He didn't care about anything but himself and his bank account, but at least he hardly bothered to pretend otherwise. Deeply unpleasant, but easily disposed of. The likes of Miliband however, with his deep rooted Marxism is very dangerous.
Look at how political (and strangely useless at the same time) the police are. Look at the sustained attack on freedom of speech, first using the 'you can't say that' line, then enacting laws and pursuing the Press -using useful idiots like Hugh Grant.
You are told the Left is caring and the Right is only ever 'hard Right' and wishes you harm and includes the Conservative Party. The truth is the extremes are the Left of Miliband, Clegg and all the Marxists bands hiding alongside them, including fascists who are also mere totalitarians and the other end, the Right if you will of those who believe in freedom, liberty and individual justice.
I don't care how benign someone says they are, I would rather have a country where we can change our leaders and not just have to do what some self impressed gimp says.
And that is the point. The attack on Farage is and always is, because someone with a profile dares to oppose Left Groupthink. He hinders, merely by being allowed to speak, the Left wing project to turn this country into a single party dictatorship. Hence the lampooning of anything he says (usually by wilfully misquoting) and attempting to shout him down.
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