Monday, 16 March 2015

Sack Danny Cohen

The Jeremy Clarkson fuss has thrown into the spotlight just how the BBC operates, perhaps more clearly than ever before. It is time for change.

The Marxist agenda running through (and ruining) society has had too much sway for too long and the BBC has been the main propaganda source of the Left. It pushes the global warming scam, it undermines capitalism, freedom of speech, proper education for children and much else besides. Indeed, it helps the Political Correctness mantra of 'you can't say that' by direct measures and interventions.

So the licence fee paying public should at last stand up and be counted, other than by the BBC and its mysterious detector vans! However the BBC is allowed to continue we need to be demanding that standards are set and met by the Corporation and a proper accountability put in place.

No longer should endless Left wing politics be the sole reasoning, repeats and mindless drivel (thinkin' of you Frankie Boyle, oh yeah, you know it) its entire output. The culture of bullying embedded in the way it operates should be dismantled too and all of these things can only happen if we break up the cosy cartel of jobs for the 'correct'.

A good place to start would be the arrogant, without substance, Danny Cohen. If you work at a place like the BBC (a renewable energy company, a council, school, NGO) you are not allowed to have any views contrary to Left wing edicts. You must speak well of any amount of patent stupidity or risk losing your job. All around you are automatons spouting mindless politicospeak, who shriek like frightened mice if you disagree.

Disagreement is not debate to them, there is no prospect that they may have missed something, might learn something; you are just wrong. And as with Jeremy Clarkson, Danny Cohen would have you sent for 're-education' in proper Marxist thought processes (that he calls re-hab!)

There are too many overpaid dumplings taking up space in the BBC. It has long been fashionable to moan about their number and their salaries and whilst these are offensive, they are not really the point. No, despite being overpaid and too numerous by a large margin they actually and actively do harm. That is the reason to get rid of them all.

Without them the Corporation would have more money, to spend on proper programmes well made. And no-one to make sure that it all 'complied'.

If Danny Cohen is so sure about his Marxist tosh, then he should stick with it. I hear North Korea is lovely this time of year and do seem short of really solid top level managers in their TV industry.

Then Jeremy Clarkson can have his job back, but don't let him run the BBC. God, could you imagine that?!

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