Thursday, 30 June 2016

Not Boris Then

What exactly is Boris about? Is he able to run a straightforward political career? About as likely as not noticing a pretty girl it seems.

Anyway, the leading Brexit campaigner won't be leading the Conservative party any time soon. So, who can? It is almost as difficult these days to think of a politician with any real conviction, any leadership qualities.

Labour are in a devil of a mess because they have a conviction politician as leader, with no leadership qualities at all. But then, when you want to end democracy and be in power forever, I suppose leading is not that important.

Gove is brilliant but I don't think he gels with people and the Left have done a good stich-up job creating a false image of the man. I feel for Jeremy Hunt who is presently being demonised by another Union, but leader of the Conservatives? No thanks.

Theresa May? If going missing when a decision is needed, when the going gets tough, then she would be in line. Otherwise, no.

Daniel Hannan? Definitely, but oh dear, he is only an MEP. Don't know Crabb, which might be his problem all over. amusing isn't it? They spend their time avoiding being of any utility to the country or its people and now cannot find a reason to be elected, a platform.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Referendum Review

So historic Thursday is a bit behind us now, some momentous things are happening as a consequence; time to review the situation.

Predictable things; Labour would blame each other no matter what happened. Marxist agitators would deny the result (and will doubtless be planning violent protests, they usually do), the EU bureaucrats would bluster and the markets would take advantage to try to make money.

What was a bit of a shock was Cameron resigning. I can see it might be honourable as he actively wanted something and he would now have to implement the opposite, but on the other hand, he is walking away when the work needs doing.

Corbyn has turned Labour into a Far Left party (something the papers never say, but always refer to Far Right people) and is not a useful sort in politics. However, look at Labour and tell me who could lead them and have a chance of being of any utility to the country?

As for the markets, they are doing what they always do and behaving in the most self centred way. All the volatility is just because of the bets they are placing on stocks, shares and commodities. Oh and currency. Very naughty the way they are driving it down, but a weak pound means our exports rise so hey ho. It will sort itself out.

There is a growing recognition amongst intelligent thinkers (instead of intellectual morons, who put ideology before all else), that this is an opportunity to change the stagnant politics we have today. As this is really what the population has been kicking back about, it would be entirely appropriate, but of course, getting rid of the anti-democratic, Soviet style government of the EU is a good start.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

If You Voted Remain

If you voted Remain in the recent referendum, here is the bit you missed.

In 1973 the Conservative Prime Minister deliberately lied to the public, in order to join the Common Market. He said it was just a trading bloc, when he knew it was actually only a political structure, everything around it was frippery. He knew it would lead to a superstate.

Being in dire straits at the time, it meant that the British people could be easily convinced that it would help economic recovery. So he drew up an Act that ceded sovereignty to a foreign power. This was unlawful, as it is not within the power of a UK government to do so.

Scroll forward to today and the much more openly stated objective of 'ever closer union' which I think most people hear as 'becoming nicer to each other', 'popping round for tea more often'.

But it means finally achieving the initial goal of the French and German participants, a single, Europe wide empire.

So, how would this empire operate? I think most British people would think, just like our government, but in Brussels, where we would have a big voice. In fact Britain will cease to exist and just become a region. A bit like East Anglia is a region of Britain. So Gibraltar will join with Spain and Portugal to become the Iberian region (well done for voting for that Gib).

If she is lucky, the power mad Sturgeon might be running the local authority possibly known as the Scottish region.

The 'government' will be like this;

Laws will not be submitted by elected politicians who are responding to the needs of constituents, they will be dreamed up by unelected bureaucrats. If the comedy 'parliament' tries to vote it down, they will be voting until they get it right.

The MEP's will operate along group, party lines. The police will be above the law (EU police already are), bureaucrats will be unimpeachable (which to all real intents and purposes they are now).

A thousand years of perfecting a system in the UK where everything is legal unless the elected representatives of the people make it illegal, with the agreement of the people (or they are kicked out with the new lot knowing what they must do), will be replaced. Instead, everything will be illegal unless the state, in the form of unelected bureaucrats allow it.

If you voted Remain you will probably deny this, even though it is easily discoverable. If you voted Remain and didn't know this, well now you do and shame on you.

If this form of government is OK with you, then I guess you live in Islington. And pine for the Soviet Union.

Fog In The Channel

Apparently, the people running the EU Project have decided to stamp their feet and be petulant. This is what actors and Left liberals understand; childish behaviour. To them it is a normal reaction. It seems you see, that the weather forecast is for fog in the English Channel and this will cut all the pathetic wretches off from where the brains reside.

Nice of them to see it that way, we used to think it might just be a conceit of ours.

Marxist Revolution Delayed, Again

Bloody democracy, bloody, bloody democracy. This EU referendum has really, really upset the Marxists. After all, they have spent decades trying to undermine all the institutions, to pervert British society and it seemed for all the world to be working nicely. Then, a project of lovely Marxist leanings has been interfered with by the bloody electorate!

Ordinary people, for heavens sake! It seemed all very straight forward - run Project Fear to terrify people who have been brought up in an education system that doesn't challenge them, with Political Correctness telling them what to think and to shut down debate where anyone persists.

Surely they had it covered, surely the stiff upper lip and British stoic resolve had been got rid of. And finally no debate or education about the EU had been allowed. So, ignorant, weak minded people could be easily lied to about the doom and destruction not toeing the line would bring on, as they had no information to go on.

Except, except..... the British are just not like that. Sure the Marxist weakening of society has had great success, but it wasn't enough. If you actually listen to what anyone ever said in support of Remain, it was all emotional, detail lite rambling. Ask a question and get waffle.

But as ever, the bright people brought facts. And now we get (particularly the BBC) reinventing history and explaining what happened. Educated youngsters voted Remain, thick youngsters voted Leave (it is OK to speak of people thus in this snowflake age, as the thickies were not toeing the official line). Which even if it were remotely true, would only prove how we have moved on with the meaning of educated.

It only takes a bit of effort and a dollop of common sense to know you have to vote Leave, but it takes a University education to believe stupid things.

Luvvies Devastated

Reports are coming in that a large number of air-kissing, air-heads, though often with a talent for pretending, are in floods of tears (which may be real). It seems that the empire politicians have been building for themselves has had a shock, because the British people have said 'we will stick with democracy, thanks' and this has greatly upset the Luvvies.

For these disengaged, insulated people, the thought that anyone should be able to have an opinion contrary to theirs is unfathomable. In fact, they say, we would be more comfortable if there was an official 'point of view' and it was an offence to disagree. Based on their opinion, of course.

For people who show every sign that they have heard of the EU, they haven't bothered thinking of anyone else, or explaining what they are talking about.

You may be struggling to understand this attitude if you are a normal person, so let me give you an analogy. I don't like Marmite and I cannot imagine why anyone would. Now the bit that Luvvies don't get to; I realise some people do like it. Luvvies would want it and the view of anyone that does like it banned.

Are you devastated that these wealthy, pampered twats are devastated? I hope not.

If you let your house fall into wrack and ruin it will take an awful lot of effort to put it right and that is where we are with leaving the EU. I guess it is the idea of hard work that frightens them; they are not prepared for it so (once again) they assume no one can be.

Unless you are planning a thespian career, I wouldn't treat such people as a source of advice.

Finally, I heard James Corden has apologised. Not before time.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Woo Hoo!!!

And we are on the way out. No one should think leaving the EU is going to be painless or easy, but hey, is it not time our politicians (let alone the scheming, conniving civil servants) did some work? But then, we shouldn't have joined in the first place. Makes you wish that Heath was still alive to see how his lies and duplicity have ended.

Anyway, Cameron has walked away from the tough job (shock) and now we have to find a credible replacement. This is an excellent opportunity to improve politics in this country too, but whilst the electorate have at last resolved a national disgrace, I can't see the politicians deciding to clean their act up.

Office discussions suggest the markets reaction (looking for profits) has spooked some and points to an early reason not to have left. It is so easy to frighten the horses these days, that you wonder if the fascists of the 1930's could have succeeded today. Certainly the news is proof that we still won't let Marxist plots progress.

Also, there is a fear that the good things the EU has done will be lost. No detail as yet as to what these 'good things' are. Oh, flights will be more expensive apparently. Not sure why. Pity poor Jeremy Clarkson, the new-born socialist who won't be able to easily go to European countries any more. He will now have to present his passport to get on and off flights, er, just like he does now.

This is what you hear though, stories of little things that might appeal to an individual, whereas I voted Leave to save the country, to make things better. You know, bigger picture, Thinking of others too. Not very modern of me. But then, I am told that older people swung the Leave vote and it won't affect them as much as it will youngsters.

In days gone by we used to respect the knowledge and experience of our elders; it was called wisdom. Maybe, just maybe those who know what it can be like, have some memory of relations fighting tyranny rather than signing up for it and have just saved those youngsters future.

I don't know if Germany and France will eventually begin hostilities over who runs the EU, or if the money will run out and it will implode, but whatever happens, I think we should stand back this time and let them get on with it. Whilst forming non political trading relationships with the countries the EU is trying to destroy and others around the world. No more the parochial, France centred view.

Will Britain be better out of the EU? Ipso facto (by the fact alone).