Saturday, 25 June 2016

Luvvies Devastated

Reports are coming in that a large number of air-kissing, air-heads, though often with a talent for pretending, are in floods of tears (which may be real). It seems that the empire politicians have been building for themselves has had a shock, because the British people have said 'we will stick with democracy, thanks' and this has greatly upset the Luvvies.

For these disengaged, insulated people, the thought that anyone should be able to have an opinion contrary to theirs is unfathomable. In fact, they say, we would be more comfortable if there was an official 'point of view' and it was an offence to disagree. Based on their opinion, of course.

For people who show every sign that they have heard of the EU, they haven't bothered thinking of anyone else, or explaining what they are talking about.

You may be struggling to understand this attitude if you are a normal person, so let me give you an analogy. I don't like Marmite and I cannot imagine why anyone would. Now the bit that Luvvies don't get to; I realise some people do like it. Luvvies would want it and the view of anyone that does like it banned.

Are you devastated that these wealthy, pampered twats are devastated? I hope not.

If you let your house fall into wrack and ruin it will take an awful lot of effort to put it right and that is where we are with leaving the EU. I guess it is the idea of hard work that frightens them; they are not prepared for it so (once again) they assume no one can be.

Unless you are planning a thespian career, I wouldn't treat such people as a source of advice.

Finally, I heard James Corden has apologised. Not before time.

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