Ordinary people, for heavens sake! It seemed all very straight forward - run Project Fear to terrify people who have been brought up in an education system that doesn't challenge them, with Political Correctness telling them what to think and to shut down debate where anyone persists.
Surely they had it covered, surely the stiff upper lip and British stoic resolve had been got rid of. And finally no debate or education about the EU had been allowed. So, ignorant, weak minded people could be easily lied to about the doom and destruction not toeing the line would bring on, as they had no information to go on.
Except, except..... the British are just not like that. Sure the Marxist weakening of society has had great success, but it wasn't enough. If you actually listen to what anyone ever said in support of Remain, it was all emotional, detail lite rambling. Ask a question and get waffle.
But as ever, the bright people brought facts. And now we get (particularly the BBC) reinventing history and explaining what happened. Educated youngsters voted Remain, thick youngsters voted Leave (it is OK to speak of people thus in this snowflake age, as the thickies were not toeing the official line). Which even if it were remotely true, would only prove how we have moved on with the meaning of educated.
It only takes a bit of effort and a dollop of common sense to know you have to vote Leave, but it takes a University education to believe stupid things.
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