Tuesday, 3 October 2017

For Left Inspired Opinion, Watch BBC News

I know this isn't a shock (the shock is, that with legal obligations the BBC are allowed to ignore them), but BBC News is actually just opinion through Left wing ideologically tinted glasses.

This morning Teresa may was 'interviewed' on Breakfast TV. The interview pretty much consisted of trying to trip her up on her Brexit talks or get her to say something negative about Boris Johnson. You know, stuff that only really matters to Leftie journalists and no-one else. It failed.

So then they went over to one of their own journalists and asked his opinion of what she had said. Why? Who cares? But of course, it looks like independent verification of Leftie ideas.

There is plenty of scope for a truly independent journalist to tear into the Conservatives and their, so far, bland conference. Conservatives (at least, traditionally) are about small government, individual liberty, freedom of opportunity and equality before the law.

What we currently have is a high spending looks-like-Labour Tory party that is in danger of appealing to absolutely no-one.

The still in sixth form journalists posing as adults on the BBC could just ask May "why don't you massively shrink the bloated state sector? Tony Blair, a man of no use or utility, hugely increased the state payroll to acquire client voters, so why not reverse it and close down the ever-increasing debt mountain?

Why not point out the damage not only the Labour actions of the Seventies did to Britain, but the current mess left by the policies and action of Blair and Brown? Having done so, you can then move on to the painful process of dealing with it. It is not the fault of those employed in the pointless bureaucracies and quangos dreamed up by Blair, that they are so employed. But for the sake of the country these constructs and their jobs need to go.

By being honest and up-front we can perhaps give them time to find alternative employment (though people like Shami Chakrabarti need a special kind of employer), before shutting the doors.

Why not change the school curriculum to include education on the agenda instead of endless Marxist propaganda. Then the future won't consist of emotionally weak, under educated snowflakes, but with people of drive, skilled and imaginative.

Hell, even without a proper education, how about an open science lesson about Climate Change; it would be an hour well spent and then the day after we can withdraw all the green-scam subsidies and reduce everyone's energy bills. The shock may melt some snowflakes and cause the rent-seekers to squeal like stuck pigs, but it would also save the lives of the pensioners condemned to die of cold this winter, because they can't afford to pay to heat their homes and enrich charlatans.

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