Three aspects cause national upsets; the will of the people, alliances and hubris. Currently, the will of the people in the UK is quite distressing as the cult of self instigated under Tony Blair continues to bite, under the further influence of Marxist propaganda (particularly through the education system).
I say the will of the people is distressing because it lacks any ability to act rationally, with youngsters voting for very dangerous Totalitarians. Because there was a completely disingenuous offer to delete their student debt floated around. That they were stupid enough to believe such rubbish and so quickly, shows just how many of our youngsters today are taking a very long time to reach actual maturity.
Poorly educated (deliberately) and way too dependent, they besmirch those who fought to give them the right to vote. (They also, spit in the face of their grandparents and great grandparents who fought Totalitarianism to give them freedom - freedom they now wish to surrender).
Elsewhere, the ancient ideology that Nation States cause wars and must be deleted (for large empires, strangely, led by those who caused most of the wars, to gain an empire), finds itself in a conundrum. All around the world, people show their desire to retain local identity, things they feel real allegiance to and that give them comfort in the familiar.
So we have the Catalans trying to ask the question, would they like to be an independent state? Nothing more than that, a poll to discover the strength of feeling of the people in the local area. The National government of Spain has said that to cede is illegal and so the referendum would be pointless.
OK, so that is the current legal view, but if the Catalans are not happy with it, then perhaps dialogue should commence? No, those in power do not want to see it 'undermined' and send in their paramilitaries to forcefully interfere with a harmless information gathering exercise (which is what the referendum surely is).
These officers of the state attacked the Catalan people deliberately and for no good reason. Illegally too, I'm sure, because the lovely Constitution of Spain may well insist Spain must always be what it is now, a single unit (albeit, interestingly, under the control of a foreign power as they ceded the whole country to Brussels), but I don't think local areas having a poll, regardless of the subject, is a crime?
Jeremy Corbyn, leading of course his own blackshirts, objects to this violence and demands Teresa May speak to the Spanish authorities. Naturally, the Venezuelan paramilitaries attacking their own people is fine by Jezza, because the government there is Communists. Violence by Communist regimes is expected, indeed part of the ideology, so what could Jeremy possibly object to?
And then there is the EU. They are completely silent about the violence perpetrated by a member state, supposedly under their control. But then they have to be, otherwise their whole project is in jeopardy, just like it needs to cause as much problem as possible to the UK, pour encourager les autres.
I'm sure the bureaucrats of the EU don't want people's heads cracked, but what to do? Firstly, hubris demands they do not give in, secondly, they are allied in spirit with the Spanish authorities and cannot therefore criticise what any human being would normally criticise. It leads to more violence of course, but the politicians are locked into positions; their ideology.
If only the will of the people could be suppressed, given no outlet to share ideas. Certainly, the leaders of the secretive EU have long thought democracy an inconvenient idea, so damaging to their project. For proof look no further than the 'stupid' decision to let the British people have their say. The delightful aspect of the UK referendum was plainly that, as yet the British people are not all snowflakes, unable to think for themselves, but can consider the evidence and come to the reasonable conclusion.
In one way I suppose the EU have stopped wars. Because in 1815 Britain and other countries objected to France attempting to create a European empire for itself and again with the Germans in 1914 and 1939, there were terrible wars. Now those very nations have managed to create their empire without war, just by the use of deceit and straightforward lying.
It isn't working and is falling apart (it is run by stupid ideologies, so it would, ideologies of French and German hegemony). Politicians should relearn their role and understand that the will of the people, always wins in the end.
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