Monday, 19 April 2010

Lib-Dems? Really?

In the usually complicated world of British politics, it seems Labour getting the least votes could still mean the most useless Chancellor/Prime Minister ever, could get back in. So, do the Tories attack the Lib-Dems to try to steal their share? Or would that backfire and give them more voters? As is customary, Brown's fate lies in others hands; he doesn't have a role to play in this campaign so should just keep quiet. He won't though, because he has no understanding of the real world.

Acknowledging that there is also leakage to independents and minor parties, it is the irritating habit of the British people as a herd that is causing the problem. In '79 the Tories managed to get the country to elect a woman and despite being more educated and serious times, it was clear someone had to clear up the mess Labour (as ever) had got us into. But all too often the British think 'oh, let's give the other lot a chance' in a spirit of fairness. It clearly is what happened in '97 as the Tories had been in for 18 years and although the ERM debacle (that any party would have gone along with, being European politics of course) caused a recession, the Tories had more than got us out of it by the time we, apparently, thought a snake-oil salesman was the best thing for Britain. And it was clear he was a conman from the off. Now however, 'the other lot' is the Lib-Dems as Labour and the Tories get lumped together, or possibly, hopefully, Labour are being written off. Do I mean Labour, New Labour or the Trades Union Party, which is what I think Brown has signed up to?

I'm not convinced by Cameron I have to say, but I don't think Clegg isn't up to it and Brown has proven he isn't.

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