My understanding is that a 'toff' is generally seen as someone who has inherited wealth, doesn't have to work and is stupid -in other words Harry Enfield's Tim-Nice-But-Dim. This has been a triumph of Left wing indoctrination in deploying class hatred to replace racism (which is the preserve of little white old ladies according to Brown). Do these toffs exist? Undoubtedly there will be a few dozen, stumbling about Britain, vacuous air-heads with nothing to contribute. But their real manifestation these days is not from the Upper Class Twit mould, but rather the Islington set. Yes, if you want to find people who do no good in society but want to influence it for their own benefit then the Left liberal is where you should look. And there are very many of them, filling Quango's, staffing hopeless 'charities' insisting black is white and living on a diet of soundbites. They are the prolific wasters who occupy themselves as courtiers of some extravagant palace, that you pay for and are personified by the ridiculous Lord Mandelson.
So should you listen to the Left liberal? The same people who took their propaganda into education which has resulted in education not be high on the list of priorities in schools. Who provided the police mindset to pursue easy targets and give up on crime, judges who feel their role is to worry endlessly about the welfare of criminals.
Can you vote Conservative? Yes,if you want your country back.
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