Friday, 7 May 2010

Still Going

Early Friday morning and the Conservatives are doing well, but an outright win isn't looking likely. What we seem to have is a country where large numbers of people think that we should ignore the debt and carry on, what you might call the Greek solution. The TV pundits are endlessly telling us what the map of the country 'means' in any and every way except the most obvious; those parts of the country creating wealth have voted Conservative and the benefits dependent areas, Labour. Naturally we can expect that Brown has based his campaign not just on scare tactics ('you'll lose your benefits') but also on lies; Labour will take away the benefits too. There isn't any money to do anything else. At least Labour would have to clear up their own mess.

Of course the really annoying thing is that these MP's we so dutifully vote for have no intention (or ability) to represent their constituents, but instead are mere numbers to aid 'the party' (whichever one you may support). The Electoral reform we need is one the politicians are not offering, their idea of reform is one that makes democracy weaker and their job easier.

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