Thursday, 20 May 2010

HIP's, Hip Hooray!

Are we about to see the end of the pointless Home Inspection Pack? Pointless and costly, both to buy and to the market generally. Well, it was the product of the empty, wallpapered space behind Yvette Cooper's eyes. Naturally, it is a good idea to keep the Energy Efficiency Certificate bit. You know, the bit the EU told us we had to do, so we don't have a choice.

Although, we do seem to exercise some choice over EU directives. Some unelected numpty in the EU decides that they should know the energy rating of every house in the 'Community' and so a directive is issued. It requires the rating to be done, every ten years. So Yvette decides that means every time a house is put on the market. Pointless. Is she really that thick? The evidence does tend to support that idea. She is after all, of her own free will, Mrs. Ed Balls.

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