Isn't it odd how adherents to Left ideology (so that includes David Cameron) can hold views that are completely unaffected by facts and reality? Take wind farms. They produce very little electricity and even then at unpredictable times, so there always has to be a back up power station running to make up the shortfall. This makes them entirely pointless. However, politicians continue to funnel wheelbarrow loads of our cash to the people who build and operate these behemoths.
That the money goes, yet again, mainly to foreigners only makes things worse. They use exotic and dangerous metals in their generators, mined in Canada, shipped to China where workers are poisoned in the manufacturing process. Then shipped to the UK, to be erected in massive quantities of concrete. Being useless of course, they are not a commercial proposition, but instead rely on forced payment in the form of subsidies and feed in tariffs.
The need for any such energy generation device is of course, to combat Global Warming. Cameron and his co-religionists have come to understand that as man pumps more CO2 into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels, so it acts as a trap for heat and the planet warms. He is happy to destroy our economy in support of his faith, which must also be why he ignores changing circumstances.
There has been no warming since 1998 and yet CO2 in the atmosphere continues to rise. This is perhaps not surprising because CO2 is only a minor 'greenhouse gas' and no one mentions that the overwhelming force in this area is water vapour. Yep, clouds. In fact, shown up as one of his most spectacular lies in his graph of CO2 and warming, Al Gore had things the wrong way round. CO2 content in the atmosphere did go up and so did the temperature, but it was temperature first then CO2 rose about 400 years later.
Something else causes global warming, just as it has before, when we didn't have NGO activists lobbying government with their junk science ideas to destroy the capitalist West. The IPCC is not a group of climate scientists at the top of their game producing peer reviewed scientific reports, it is largely activists and students, with some scientists who obtain their livelihood from the warming scare.
Why do politicians believe 'scientists' who say that an absolute truth has been found and should not be opposed or tested, when these are the basic tenets of science?
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