Thursday, 10 November 2011

Ever Thought About Tax?

Have you ever considered what it costs to run this country? We want the government to run the Armed Forces, police, fire, health services, to empty the bins and many other tasks of collective importance. Then think how much they take off us, in income tax, NI contributions, tax on your car, petrol, on everything (pretty much) you buy. Add in the taxes companies pay (except those the boss of HMRC personally lets off their dues) and it comes to many hundreds of billions of pounds.

But then, under New Labour we found this wasn't enough and many billions more were and are being borrowed. Some of it is spent properly, some of it wasted, some of it spent on pointless projects and some fraudulently whittled away.

It is plain though, that the government does too much. It takes on costs for stupid socialist ideas that achieve nothing but keep some useless parasites in a salary. There are countless organisations, with countless employees doing nothing useful whatsoever and indeed often being a further drain on the productive part of the economy.

The Lords of Misrule have held positions of power for too long and it is time the childish politics of the last 15 years was put away. Most of the money a government raises is a direct waste, pointless. But we lack leadership that can a) see this or b) thinks there is anything wrong with it. So not only do we not have politicians of a calibre to deal with such important issues, but none who are even thinking along those lines.

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