Friday, 4 November 2011

People Are Amazing

Question Time last night was more interesting than usual (or maybe me having a bad cold made it seem interesting). Ed Balls was, as you would expect, talking arrant nonsense 99% of the time, Theresa May was toeing the party line, we had a poet who was very 'of the people', but like a broken clock right sometimes.

Dimbleby drummed his fingers waiting for Peter Hitchens to finish speaking as he plainly wasn't interested in what he had to say and even seemed to laugh at his suggestion that he achieved happiness through his belief in God. Hitchens did have what seemed like a childish outburst at Balls though, saying 'he could do his job better, any day of the week'. But then when you think about the level of incompetence of Ed Balls you realise Hitchens was just being accurate.

Someone in the audience said that she thought public sector workers were special people, low paid and deserved more than private sector workers. Dim carefully avoided asking her if she worked in the public sector, just as he cut off the erudite girl who was making a point he wasn't interested in. A teacher made the point that the government were reneging on a deal he entered when he became a teacher. True, but a) that is the main role of government these days it seems, to start things on bold promises and pull the rug later, when reality bites them, and b) it still isn't funded.

The public sector don't seem to be able to grasp that what they have been promised as pensions they haven't paid enough to cover. They might pay a lot (a policeman said 11%) but it still doesn't pay for what they get. For that, they take money off other people, who will almost definitely be on a worse deal than them (and probably paid less too. They kept mentioning teachers as low paid, and then an example was given of a teacher on £38K at retirement (very low paid, you'll agree) will get a £25K pension. Sweet.

The EU was the best bit though and Dim didn't have to direct things away from dangerous statements either, everyone was dim enough on their own. No one grasped that what is going on at the EU is, at best disingenuous. Greece isn't being bailed out, for two reasons. One, the money is for French, German and American banks and two, once the austerity measures are imposed as the cost of getting the money(!), the Greeks will still be caught in the Euro, with no ability whatsoever to get out of this crisis.

We keep hearing that if the Euro collapses it will be disastrous for the world, but without any explanation as to why. Because it would be no more a disaster than when they all joined up (that was just the seed of a disaster). What has been shown in the clear though, is the lengths to which the EU elites will go to destroy opposition and the absolute lack of democracy in the institution.

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