Tuesday, 12 June 2012


As the actions of the EU to save its currency, the Euro continue in what can only be described as bizarre fashion, perhaps now is a good time to look at the background. You can usually discern intentions by looking at some of the tangential activities of those you are studying.

The obvious points are that the single European currency idea could never have worked and is therefore solely designed to precipitate a crisis, that allows the bureaucrats to offer the only 'solution'; a single government. This much has been clear since long before the problems became apparent.

What I find amusing is that countries in Europe are rejecting 'austerity'. Austerity here means doing what Brussels says, which would be exactly the same as if there was a single European government. Germany do not want to transfer funds to southerners who created their own problems through fecklessness. But what else would happen under a single government?

I can hear the Central Planning Unit being built. Maybe Germans would be happier paying the money if it bought an empire.

But here we have the problem and the motivation to look at what is really going on. It would not be a German empire. It would be an empire run by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels. There would be no 'national' machinery to constrain them; no German money, only EU funds. But does this utopia for bureaucrats create a European psyche? No. All the years of accumulated national identity cannot be expunged overnight.

The Germans talk of Greek fecklessness, a nation condemned. Not a company, or a family, or a group of people taking advantage, a nation. Now you can claim it is racism to speak thus, but just because some Greeks doubtless do not fit the profile doesn't change the truth. As a national entity Greece lied about its finances which were dire because, Greeks retire early and don't pay their taxes.

So yes, you can point a finger at a national trait. But it is the considered opinion of the bureaucracy in Brussels that all the peoples of Europe see themselves as Europeans, with a common heritage and common goals. Delusions of that scale used to mean a strait jacket.

Take Yugoslavia. It was a federation of states that was doing OK. Then, when the strongmen disappeared it fell apart, literally tearing at each others throats. The Northern states hating the Southerners who they thought lazy. Only centralised power, force, held this together in the past

The same is true of that other, larger federation, the USSR. It fell apart as soon as it became apparent that the will to use force to sustain it no longer existed. Often there was no violence, just a drift away from central control, to regain national identity.

But this is precisely the model the EU is trying to recreate; a federation of subsumed states where national identity is erased. They talk openly of a United States of Europe because the USA is seen as a free country, rich and powerful, very much a positive image. But Americans, whether from New York or Florida see themselves as Americans, with regional pride but national goals.

I am British and Frenchmen are French. They may talk of a continent called Europe but none of them see themselves as a citizens of the Continent. So what is it that is in the minds of the EU project directors? Do they not know this, or do they think people can overcome it, in an intellectual way? A triumph of reason over emotion.

If so then it is perhaps the ultimate irony; the emotional need of the bureaucrats to believe in and create a nation of unified souls, when reason tells them this cannot be.

Are they that stupid, that idealistically blind? No, not a bit. So here we look at what else is going on. As we know the way the EU is being constructed is the opposite of the US experience; they are trying to impose a federation, they have put single currency before political union (the reverse of the US again).

Why has a country that doesn't exist (yet) have its own flag, its own anthem? Why do the EU member states have to fly that flag prominently? Why is it a crime to speak out against the EU? Why do EU police have immunity from prosecution?

All of these are attributes of a central power that knows it must enforce its will upon the people. Why else does the actual power, the machinery of the EU remain apart from elections. Your MEP is a sop to your prejudices, they have absolutely no power and no ability to affect EU policy. If they 'vote' down some measure that the bureaucrats desire to see in place, it stays there until the politicians see sense.

Behind the scenes and around the periphery the EU is building itself an empire to match Russia. To avoid the problems that the Soviet Union encountered they have decided to proceed slowly, so that when the lid is finally on, the people will feel that somehow they agreed to it. Counter-revolution will be avoided.

As the single currency crisis comes to a head the goal of political union is almost upon them and so the efforts to establish an EU army are coming to the fore. We may agree that necessity means joining together as a single country called Europe, but the Project managers in Brussels are not so stupid that they do not realise that, even from Day One, they will need tanks and troops to hold it together.

When you look at how the EU has gone about constructing itself, the way it has achieved legislative hegemony, the powers it accords itself (and why it needs them) says quite clearly that the end result is designed to be a totalitarian state. Even the elite shops, full of subsidised goods, that ordinary citizens are not allowed to use already exist!

It is therefore, for the sake of peace in Europe not merely important that Britain escapes the clutches of these evil minds, but that the EU itself  is dismantled. Think of their expensive 'offices' as palaces and with the key individuals sitting in high back leather chairs, stroking white cats and you are on the right track. We have a chance to destroy it once and for all and now is the time. But will we do it? Where is Britain's Churchill? Is it coincidence that Cameron looks nothing like the great man?

The other aspect to consider is current damage. When you think of how inept most people are today in Britain, when children die under social workers noses, nurses don't feed patients, the police shoot people with impunity, children lack basic education, firefighters cannot enter water ankle deep, then you think what this reminds you of.

The image is that of the Soviet Union, where failure, incompetence and corruption was endemic but the Party insisted all was well. We already have too much of the EU and its failures embedded in us (and elsewhere - Spain's reckless building programme, Greece's belief that welfare didn't need to be funded) and we need to break free as soon as possible. We do need radical action; we need a revolution.

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