Friday, 1 June 2012

Is It A Bad Idea?

Cameron and Clegg want to negotiate with the EU to stay out of a federal superstate (for now) which is what the Brussels bunch are angling for. But the Coalition remains deaf to the public it is supposed to serve and represent and to reality. Clegg thinks that when this current inconvenience blows over the EU will be a fantastic place, presaging eternal peace, a land of milk and honey, where lions lay down with lambs.

But the negotiation would need to be more sophisticated than the way Europhiles support their cause with naysayers.They generally use the intellectual argument that anyone who agrees with them is sensible and those against, nutters. Perfectly sound reasoning don't you think? Stacks up well against those who just point to unimportant things like, the moronic, hugely costly laws the EU imposes, the absence of any hint of democracy and a crisis that is entirely the result of EU politics. Made worse by the failure of EU politics to keep a lid on it, let alone resolve it.

No I think it is extraordinarily difficult for those who oppose the EU to come up with any cogent argument. The EU was a project to bring a version of the Soviet Union into Western Europe, to serve the desires of a political elite. It didn't work for the Russians (or anything they touched) and amazingly it hasn't worked here either. It is like trying to replace petrol with water; the engine won't run. Some things are just not possible.

So no, we don't want to renegotiate our relationship with the EU, we need to get out. Britain is in a mess. The government has pretty much based its strategy on borrowing more and increasing taxes. What they should be doing is leaving the EU which frees up large amounts of money we used to give them, so they could hand it over primarily to criminals. Then the government should rip up EU directives strangling industry and our society. The government then needs to look to itself, to eradicate waste, corruption and to stop doing a vast swathe of things that they have taken to their hearts.

Quango's need to go. Industry regulators should be lean and mean, with a clearly proven remit to support consumers, not party with those they are paid to watch. Foreign aid should go. Government spending on diversity and multiculturalism crap should end. Where we should be directing effort and yes, some monetary resources is on research and development and reinvigorating manufacturing in this country.

These wide ranging reforms and programmes will show a government with a grip on reality and some feeling for the people that pay them. It would show leadership. Perhaps if Cameron cannot fit it in between playing games and taking jollies, he should step aside and let a grown up politician step into the breach.

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