Thursday, 2 August 2012

It's The Stupid Economy

The economy has slowed due in part to the Olympics. I'm not surprised, so many people seem to be watching it, either by taking time off work or downing tools at key moments to follow the sport. But we also hear the problems are due to the Eurozone, which is less forgiveable.

No intelligent person would have considered ramming countries together against their will to be a good idea, as if the USSR hadn't already shown us. But politicians and anything outside narrow self interest don't usually go together, so they stormed ahead with stupid idea after stupid idea, to support their 'dream'.

Of course the single currency was merely a ploy to cause a crisis by which the technocrats could say the only solution, is to create a single superstate, under their completely non-democratic rule. It hasn't quite happened that way. And the people of the European nations, far from agreeing to unending subjugation, have realised the strength of shared experience and cultural similarity (something Blair's unlimited immigration was designed to undermine).

One very real and damaging aspect is the concentration of trading with our European 'partners'. This has been trumpeted as a reason to be 'in Europe', by which they mean the political EU, but in fact is incestuous and a poor strategy. Britain used to trade with the World, but the EU insisted we stopped. Now the folly of that is being thrown into the light, as the whole of the European economy is thrown into chaos by, er, the financial policies of the EU.

If Britain continued to act independently, as sovereign nation our problems would be so much less (and we would have at least £53 million a day more to spend for ourselves). The technocrats of the EU are bringing the continent to the brink of war. It would say that it is the nationalism of individual countries that is causing the tension, with the Germans hating the 'lazy' Greeks and their demands for German money and the Greeks hating German 'arrogance' and demands that Greece does as Germany bids.

But this is not so. It is the fact that these people are culturally different and the EU refuses to recognise the fact that is causing the problems. In essence what Germany and Greece say about each other is true, it only matters, only has impact because the EU forces them together.

Everyone thinks of Spain as 'just like Britain', only sunnier. But Spain has been a democracy for only 35 years. Everything in France is illegal unless the State decides to allow it. The same has slowly become true in Britain since 1973, but no-one has told you of this massive break with traditional British law. It has not been explained that it used to be that everything was legal unless the government made it illegal. And the government could be replaced.

During the recent Olympics there has been some whining (I'll let you guess where from), about the 'National Anthem'. Why, they ask is it played when a Scotch person wins a Gold? The answer is because, since 1707 this nation has been known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain (and Northern Ireland, since 1927). That country has a National Anthem. The confusion arises because it has become popular to play songs before sporting events in the regions of the Kingdom. 'Flower of Scotland' is a song, not a national anthem.

Part of the problem of course is the Scottish 'parliament' and its suggestion that Scotland is, or could be in some way independent. Scotland was given a local council, as was Wales, with slightly different names, because they are listed in the EU bible as 'Regions'. When the superstate comes they will be like counties are now, within the pan-European remit of the government in Brussels. The English haven't allowed this to happen and have forced the abandonment of the 'regional authorities', (except for 'London').

It is an example though of how successful the schemes of the politicians and technocrats are at sowing the seeds of division, when intending to break apart existing bonds. Whilst we remain in the EU the lies will keep rolling in and the money keep rolling out. If you stopped doing the stupid things the politicians love and dismantled the bureaucracy built to support it, we could rapidly get ourselves out of debt. In about a fortnight.

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