Thursday, 16 August 2012

Police Advice

I get emails from the police telling me stuff that happens locally and offering advice. Today it is about keeping car keys away from letterboxes where thieves can 'fish' for them and locking doors etc. Timely reminders sometimes, so no problem with that.

I did notice though, a logo at the bottom for '101' which apparently 'connects you to your local police'. So it is nice to know that if you have some fairly trivial matter to discuss with a police officer, you can talk to someone who knows the area. But if you call 999 for an emergency matter, you are automatically routed to someone who will have no idea of your location.

My experience has been that people make a bit of an assumption that policing is an intrinsically local thing and if you desperately need help saying your house number and street for instance would do. Now, the response will be (from the ugly sounding 'call taker') 'and where is that? And the post code there?'

Slightly disconcerting I would imagine, even if it doesn't materially affect the arrival of officers. Naturally, the police code the urgency of your call and may, arbitrarily decide that you are unimportant and the man with the knife will probably go away of his own accord.

If however a social worker has made something up about you and can produce no evidence, or if you haven't paid your council tax due to some dispute, large numbers of police will arrive to arrest you. Please note, if you are a thoroughly unpleasant person who is actually abusive towards your kids, the social services (and police ) will stay away. Similarly if you just don't pay your council rates because you are a scumbag, it will be fine.

What self respecting public servant wants the stress of dealing with nasty people when a pool of compliant, peaceful middle class people are available, for the exercise of your power?

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