Obviously the Olympics is causing people to think about sport in general in Britain, not least at school. The news comes out that Cameron is to remove the compulsory element from PE in schools, which cues outrage. But if the schools are also removed from other forms of state interference, e.g not under local authority control, then parents will ensure that schools provide proper sports education.
This is the important point; Cameron didn't tell schools not to do sports, he was not telling them anything. Failure would be entirely their fault, success would reflect their talent. Parents would judge. It is so long since the people of Britain have been required to think and act like adults, that the initial reaction was that Cameron was cancelling sport. We have denuded ourselves of talent at every level.
And it is all due to the left undermining every aspect of the successful, resourceful Britain that existed after WW2. The educational establishment in the Sixties was only related to 'education' by this being its target. The actual education of anyone was of no interest to them at all. The left wanted the state, under their control, to run everything and nobody should have the ability to challenge.
Typically in left dominated nations, people of intelligence and the teaching establishment is regarded with suspicion or got rid off, one way or another. So in Britain, the left worked assiduously to ensure that the education of children was oriented towards the left and of as poor quality as possible. An intelligent populace thinks for itself, spots what the 'leaders' are up to and all to often stops them. So they tread carefully (or use force).
Think about it (no pun intended), how often do you think, or hear others say the government should 'do something'? It is a reflection of how completely we have handed even our thoughts to the left. I wonder if David Cameron even realises he isn't a Conservative, having been brought up so far into the left's project of domination.
We have freedom of speech you might say, so how can the left dominate? Well think about it. How do the left trolls react when their religion of Global Warming is challenged? Do they produce impeccable research and proof? No, they attack the person commenting. They threaten and vilify. So people, scientists don't speak out. Fear is always the weapon of the left.
You can find any number of books from the left bending the shelves in bookshops, but who do you think struggle to even find a publisher? Peter Hitchens (even though his 'A Brief History Of Crime' is an important and well observed view of Britain), James Delingpole, Melanie Phillips (whose 'All Must Have Prizes' is particularly apposite today), Christopher Booker and Richard North. And what do these people all have in common? They oppose the left and believe in freedom and liberty.
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