Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Fit And Proper BBC

Oh dear, oh dear it is all unravelling for the BBC. What is a Left wing biased, haughty (naturally) and arrogant organisation supposed to do? When a journalist reported a story truthfully about lies told by one of the Prime Minister's closest aides, so the Prime Minister could start a war by further lying himself, not only did the BBC make sure it didn't investigate the government, it even got rid of senior people.

No-one can say it didn't do its best to help and support fellow travellers. I mean they showed all the level of unconcern about the most serious corruption in places of power, they bent over backwards to align with all the nonsense of the Blair and Brown mania.

And they were just as in thrall to money and celebrity as any other good leftie, hence the lack of interest in the 'personal' life of Jimmy Saville. If you are tempted to think that this is an outrageous claim by a right winger it isn't and I'll explain why. (First though, 'right wing' itself is incorrect, that is just another form of socialism, one of the two extremes. I believe in moderation).

When Peter Mandelson (for whom the character Kaa in Disney's version of Jungle Book is sooo fitting) said that he was comfortable with the filthy rich it was taken that he was explaining how different New Labour was from the old. He hoped you would think that what he meant was he and the government of which he intermittently formed a part, supported those who were or became wealthy.

His actions however betrayed what he really intended. Mandelson meant he was comfortable with the wealthy, that he would allow them to enrich him in return for a co-operative government. He and all the other creeps around Tony Blair. The rich had nothing to fear from New Labour as long as they played ball with the key players, the elite surrounding the Cromwellian monarch, Blair.

Today we learn that an MP, Philip Davies (strangely, not a Labour MP) has written asking the regulator Ofcom, whether the BBC is fit and proper to hold a broadcasting licence. The answer to that currently of course is clearly 'no' and will remain so until it stops treating left liberal propaganda as its reason for existing.

If Hillsborough and Jimmy Saville don't tell you that we have to remove, root and branch the left based corruption that has become endemic in this country under the Blair regime, then I cannot imagine what would convince you.

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