Monday, 15 October 2012

Scottish Independence

Scotland could be a successful, independent country I'm sure. But a large number of things would have to change. At present, it requires subsidies from the rest of the UK (OK, to be honest, England) to run its affairs. It doesn't have any oil. It is where the pipelines for the import of UK oil comes ashore, but not being a net contributor to the UK economy, none of the investment can be said to have come from Scotland, so none of it is 'theirs'.

They could of course charge a tariff to use their facilities, which would then throw up the quandary for the companies involved, to stay and pay, move the lines further South or stop production. Scotland could develop shale gas and sell it to the prats in England who are frightening themselves about using this abundant resource under our sea. But Salmond is I believe one of those too.

Beyond that it is difficult of course, because the EU (and Salmond will immediately hand the keys to an independent Scotland to Brussels) will not allow them much room to manoeuvre; no state subsidies for industry, no flotation of the new currency, the Euro (which will also cause asset problems converting from Sterling) and lots of new rules. But, there might at least initially be something that Scotland is very comfortable with and Salmond absolutely relies on, subsidies.

But most of all, a strong, successful independent Scotland would require one massive change that I just cannot imagine them achieving. They would have to become an optimistic nation.

But such is the belief of Alex Salmond, that he has to bring schoolchildren into the voting and you can  be sure he will spend the interval between now and the referendum, in a propaganda campaign to inculcate the correct views into these impressionable minds. But then it is important to remember, this is not about the Union, or even Scotland, it is about Alex Salmond and his ego. Now that is a big place.

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