Monday, 15 October 2012

The Nobel Peace Prize

It has been apparent for some time now that the Nobel Peace Prize is a joke and not worth considering. The pathetic nonsense continues though, as it has now been handed to the institution of the EU. This has been met with howls of derision from every living thing more advanced than an amoeba.

But, should we try to find something positive about the EU and peace? Is there something positive about the EU? Well, you have to admit that, from the very outset the countries who have caused war in Europe for centuries, France and Germany have dome things differently recently.

Having, at last, realised that wars cost them an awful lot of money and even then they generally lost them, these two empire builders decided to stop with all the weapons stuff. In future they decided, they would take over Europe by more subtle means. They would convince us all that we wanted to join a nefarious club, that no-one could quite pin down what it stood for, nor what use it was. If we were not in their gang, we would be laughed at, our clothes would not be trendy and no-one would talk to us.

So as populations, bored of politics allowed complete idiots become politicians, a breed of never-worked-a-day career bureaucrats came to dominate and they loved the idea of a superstate run by them, for them. An endlessly rich talking shop of considerable substance.

And so the Franco-German empire was built. But who was in charge, the French or the Germans? Both considered the question laughable as each considered the other a junior partner at best. But Germany had the money that supported the empire building, they said. Money is of secondary importance, insisted the French. We breed and train bureaucrats, we have universities for them, we are the natural leaders of such an empire,they aver.

Which is why, both have threatened war with the other if their hegemony is not recognised. And we think the Euro is a crisis!

So has the EU kept the peace in Europe? No. If anyone has, it is NATO underwritten by the US. But by constructing the EU, the French and Germans have at least delayed the war they desire so much. Ultimately, the EU bureaucrats think Hitler and Napoleon were essentially right; Europe should be a single superstate, run without democracy by the Germans, or er, the French. C'est le guerre.

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