Thursday, 16 May 2013

Classic QT!

Question Time is really storming along tonight and it has only been on 20 minutes! The first question brought up the EU and off we went. Naturally all the talk was as careful as possible not to say anything of substance. There is a woman who you would love to call a dozy bint from the Financial Times, but she is an intelligent person, though her view is to talk about economic matters in the EU and avoid the fact that it is a political question.

Chris Bryant is there too and he is an idiot. He has no ability to say anything pertinent, he only ever spouts ideological codswallop. A woman from the audience pointed out that UKIP are merely offering what the Conservatives should be and the original questioner pointed out that we don't even know what Cameron is going to renegotiate and so how would we know what success looked like.

Then we moved on to Google not paying enough tax. Well, I'm a little conflicted over what happened today. I think Google should be paying more tax, but I think the chap from Google should have just said to Hodge the Dodge, that he is only doing what she does. And there is something distasteful about a group of politicians talking about how reprehensible companies like Google are and then go back to their offices to see how much they can fiddle on their expenses.

Just one last point. It has now been on half an hour and I haven't heard a single Suffolk accent yet, is it really coming from Ipswich or is the audience shipped in?

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