Friday, 3 May 2013


What to say about the former 'mainstream' parties? Where to start? Calling them names seems to have worked a treat, as did trying to smear UKIP candidates. It merely showed that a win over UKIP on policies was not considered likely.

I think the most obvious problem was highlighted on QT last night. Whilst the politicians on the panel were very careful indeed to sound moderate in their views of UKIP and the predicted swing of votes to them in local elections, they were still missing the point.

All of these politicians spoke of a protest vote and that they must listen to the people more and their concerns. The old 'reconnect' cant. Essentially people inside the bubble think that voters are pretty thick. But I feel that if the general public use local elections, where the voting is less important, to warn national politicians, that it shows the general public to be quite bright.

Anyway, the real problem is, that the panel didn't mean they wanted to address people's concerns, they meant they needed to find a way to gather their votes. There was and is no interest in doing the right thing, just getting into power.

No longer a single policy party, UKIP have latched onto the things that actually matter in this country; immigration, crime, the EU and the climate change scam. Labour and the Conservatives are either supporters of all the preceding list or don't care either way. As ever the Lib Dems are just the slightly batty relation sitting in the corner muttering incredible things.

Actually, the reason the Lib Dems have done so badly is not just they let their supporters down, but that their ideas of what constitutes a policy, long ridiculed have now been thrust into the spotlight as they share power. Something they never envisaged as they thought up strange things to say.

What the politicians need to realise is that it is they, not us who have disengaged from politics. When you let the technocrats of the EU run the country and you just talk amongst yourselves within a bubble,   it should come as no surprise that you lose all credibility.

Refusing to talk about the EU does not make you a world class statesman. Saying that you are a true believer in an obvious scam, to form the 'greenest government ever', just makes you stupid.

UKIP shouldn't ever have presented a threat to anyone. That it does shows how totally useless our 'main' politicians are, how corrupt the party system and how careless politics has become. The 'stupid' man in the street realises what has happened, but will the 'clever' politicians catch up any time soon?

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