Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Prostrate England

It strikes me that a great many things are coming together just now. It is almost as if a whole nation is waking from a long sleep. A sleep during which much evil has been done. That our nation has been much reduced, not by loss of empire, or markets or influence, but by indolence. As we know, for evil to flourish, all that is required is for a good man to do nothing.

We have heard much of the lack of interest in politics of the general public, that there is voter apathy. This is true and it is due to people thinking that things are good enough, life is OK that nothing needs to concern them in the world of politics. But politics is a world of plots and if you are not watching then the worst plots can succeed.

In the seventies people still had something of an education and a sense of personal responsibility. So, having given Labour a chance, as we do from time to time, the country had descended into chaos and financial ruin. It focusses the mind and fed up voters elected Margaret Thatcher, who turned things around and provided that success and stability that let voters doze off.

(Obviously I am talking about the democratic process here, not the communist subversion constantly at work in the background. No-one votes for communists and they have no interest in democracy).

Enter The Chancer. When voter apathy has long set in, a number of possible candidates spring forward to seize power whilst the Watch sleeps, but the key political parties still have an upper hand. Labour were in a wilderness of their own creation and were desperate to find a way back to power. This gave The Chancer his opportunity. That he wasn't a Labour man by conviction is a pointless remark to make as a) traditional Labour policies would get him nowhere and b) The Chancer is not a man of conviction.

Thus, the Labour Party became something completely different; it became a chameleon. Whatever the voter wanted to hear was, coincidently exactly what New Labour were offering. And it wasn't just that Tony Blair, for it was he who was The Chancer, had no intention of fulfilling these promises, he had no interest in politics or implementing policies whatsoever. This can be seen from the enormous number of ridiculous statements he made about new initiatives that never happened.

Blair of course wanted the trappings of power to feed his ego and the opportunities it creates to accrue wealth. He liked ordering people about and being obeyed, he didn't like spending time thinking about things. This lazy, useless group of grasping empty headed vagabonds spent their days selling snake oil, while a now denuded Conservative Party looked for someone to lead them who had the same qualities.

And so came about the final corruption of British politics, under the most venal of men. If ever a soul had been sold to the Devil it was here, then.

All this time of course, unchecked the communists were beavering away in the institutions, undermining the basic fabric of society, whilst rather handily a cabal of cretins, for whom the epithet 'if brains were made of elastic they wouldn't be able to keep their knickers up' was never more apt, was destroying the fabric of democracy.

Now though, as recession brings politics back into focus and people, rather rudely show annoyance at what was done while they decided to pay no attention, many of things are coming to light.

We have fairly regular shootings by the police of people who are either entirely innocent, or where there was no need to shoot, outrage at last, that hospitals are carelessly killing thousands of people, the open discovery of the thieving and corruption of politicians, the extent of paedophile activity within institutions. We see the courts and the police routinely ignoring serious crime and letting off offenders, whilst taking draconian and vindictive measures against the innocent or minor offenders.

Why has all of this, that has been going on for so long, suddenly been brought to light all at once? I think it is because we no longer will allow the 'Establishment' to get away with their cover-ups and lies. Today there must be a reckoning. And not before time. The scale though is shocking. Everywhere a stone is turned we find evil. It seems we may now not let it go. It seems that the communists and their desire to ensure children are as badly educated as possible will not continue.

That the attempts to divide the nation along racial lines will no longer be accepted, as multiculturalism is seen for what it is. The welfare trap to create a class of proles; all of it is coming into bright sunlight. But where do we turn? UKIP may be a funny bunch, but they terrify all the other politicians because they not only have policies that chime with the wants and desires of the population but also that they signal the end of many of the gravy trains on which our current crop ride.

Imagine there is no EU, it's easy if you try. No Global Warming too, above us only sky. All of it, all of it is lies. Lies have little lies upon their backs that bite 'em. And little lies have lesser lies and so on ad infinitum.

The tide is turning.

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