I know you may well be bored of the recent election here in the UK (that is, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), but I wanted to leave a while for all the flavours to soak in.
At this date, a little remote from the action (and the shock!) of the day, the BBC - and others- with little left wing to talk up, are relentlessly ramming 'stories' about the one MP party UKIP down our throats. For what possible reason? No word of the other one MP party the Greens, but then I suppose the BBC don't want too much light shining on this peculiar lot, surely the true modern home of the Monster Raving Looney Party. Their views of course, being too close to those of the BBC elite.
But back to the result; so much joy! The pollsters got it wrong, so wrong that there is some suggestion of copying, maybe Ofsted should be involved. On second thoughts maybe not; I can't think of anything that benefits from Ofsted existing. nevertheless, these Magic Meg soothsayers were believed wholeheartedly by the political parties and their campaigns were based on 'neck and neck.
Interestingly, there is a possibility that this caused Cameron to start making some genuinely Conservative remarks and promises. But whatever, Miliband was and is only a comedy character and whilst Labour could not be allowed to 'do it again', Miliband helped make them unelectable. For that we must be thankful.
Joy of joys though, was Ed Balls being deleted from our misery and by a Conservative. I just wonder how stupid you have to be to vote for him at all, but I suppose it must be the 'always vote Labour' crowd. We also lost Ed Davey, another classic moron who has cost the country dearly by running his crackpot 'green' schemes against reality.
But it was a gift that kept giving, because Danny Alexander and Douglas Alexander have been turned into historic figures. And Galloway at last got what he deserves, obscurity.
Much of this was due to the seismic events north of the border. Or maybe not seismic, but interesting from a propaganda perspective. The SNP holed Labour below the waterline, but not for logical reasons, which is a pity, but we will take it for now. That we were then treated to lots of posturing by someone who is not a member of the UK parliament was annoying, but also instructive.
Nicola Sturgeon was always reckoned to be a better operator than Salmond (not difficult though) and she is. She certainly hides what she is up to much better than big mouth does. Not so much a case of keeping her powder dry as not letting the electorate know what they have voted for.
Trying to sound rational and easy going, she says before the result that she didn't expect to take all the seats or anything like it and afterwards that it meant nothing in respect of Scottish independence. Then went on to say they do have demands to make of the UK parliament, but not full financial independence. She hoped that would sound good to non-Scottish voters. Not a chance, luv. You may have mugged those with the same accent as yours, but down here we are not so blind.
Financial independence would mean she would have to have a means of paying for her demands, beyond 'England should pay'. And no such plan exists, because they can't afford what they do now (they could save an enormous amount though if they got rid of the Scottish parliament).
So there she sits, biding her time and the rest of the country was treated to the strange spectacle of her flying to London, to attend a memorial to those who died fighting the Nazis, just as she leads a surge of National Socialism in Scotland. Complete with the thuggish intimidation of competing politicians and voters. The popularity based on promises of handouts that the country can't afford, though this is of little importance, the seizure of widespread power being more important.
I can't wait to hear how she disguises attempts to form a separate dictatorship by somehow blaming England for trying to destroy Scotland. Then perhaps forcibly occupy nearby territory where they speak 'Scottish'.
Cameron really should make the redrawing of boundaries a priority and make Scottish constituencies more closely reflect overall sizes. To have 59 MP's it seems they have constituencies based around a pub and its customers.
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