Looking at The Telegraph today, I gather that the National Socialists from north of the border are still trying to shock, using the tactics of seven year olds. Petulant, silly rule breaking to show they are 'it' and you can't stop them. Well, yes and no. Tony Blair proved that, in the end, if a politician decides to behave in a totally immoral manner, there is no actual check that can be applied.
Let alone the will to do it. But for the Scottish NatSocs the problem is we've had the Tony Blair experience and we grew tired of it, so childish stunts by newbies with a gang mentality isn't going to be patronised for long.
If being rude and unlikeable is the image of Scotland they wish to portray, then that is up to their leader and her thugs. We already knew not to expect serious politics! And if Scotland was treated as a normal part of the UK it would have 10 or so constituencies, but even with 56 they are still a small part of the 650 in the Commons. So sit where you are told and shut up until asked to speak.
Outside the Commons you can say what you want, it is already clearly understood I should think that you winkers, so won't come as a shock. What I really want from this new branch of the totalitarians is what they really want and how they intend to get wealth they haven't got, because the 'Barnett' formula isn't going to exist forever, not with all your complaining. And Poland is a way to go for an invasion......
Aldi, Aldi, Aldi, what were you thinking? You get so much right, your pricing model, staff, buying policies but then you have a little slip in attention and bang! Fancy saying something is halal when it isn't. Not that difficult surely? And it matters to people who are committed to that kind of product. Much worse than hiding something and hoping they wouldn't notice, you were actually saying that the product was something it wasn't. That's lying.
How would non-Muslims like it if they were not told that the meat they are eating had not been killed humanely by being stunned first? Oh hold on, loads of companies pull that stunt, using only halal meat because it hardly matters to non-Muslims but means all their products are OK for Muslims. And the idiots we just voted for (all of them) tell us endlessly that this is the UK and UK law is supreme!
As for the slow motion Labour leadership race, I don't have a clue. Who on earth can lead those backward, inept and politically naïve imbeciles? Not one of them shows any grace. Now, as they jostle to find a form of words that the electorate would vote for (not policies, not ideas and heaven forfend! not anything they intend to do, just words), we get the escapee from the elfish regions of Lord of the Rings, Yvette Cooper telling us that Labour got some stuff wrong.
Would that be the Labour you were a senior part of? The Labour that ran up a deficit in the good times, under your husband? How come you never mentioned Ed Mil. was more an edless chicken, before, you know maybe perhaps during the election? Still, Labour are hardly alone in British politics today in being solely concerned with their party, as opposed to what would be good for the country.
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