Friday, 22 May 2015

The Dance Begins

Mr. Cameron is now making his opening overtures in his renegotiation of powers with the EU. Or so he would have us believe. For someone who has so far omitted to mention what specific powers he wants returned, indeed what the thrust of the renegotiation is, he seems at something of an advanced stage with our overlords.

Presumably he is able to tell them what he wants. We are led to believe that one will be an end to 'ever closer union'. And with such a big question we must ask ourselves, just how genuine is this man who wants us to stay in the EU, even before he has had his cosy chats.

The single point of the Common Market (as it was sold to us by the bare faced liar Heath) has been, is and always will be to create a single nation called Europe. For some it is to put the US in their place and create an, at least equal superstate. For others, it was to recreate the Soviet Union. Working towards this has led to the constant name changes and the increasing grab for power, within sovereign states.

Mind, I say sovereign states, but are we? When Heath signed over law-making in Britain to the government in Brussels (something he had no constitutional power to do, so was illegal) how exactly did the pretence of our being an independent country continue? The Scottish 'parliament' was only allowed as a precursor to it becoming the 'local authority for the area previously known as Scotland' within the EU superstate, no matter what the pompous assumptions of Nicola Sturgeon.

So, if genuine, Cameron is chipping away at the foundations of the whole project, whilst desperately trying not to let the cat out of the bag as to what the end game of 'ever closer union' is. He also hopes fervently that the general public don't understand the way the EU works. Everyone has been conscientious in not explaining it, ever, so it should work.

The usual draft of useful idiots on Question Time will give him the belief that he is right and a letter to the Sunday Telegraph last weekend couldn't have been more definitive of the opposite of reality. The correspondent wrote 'It should not be forgotten that this union has kept the peace in Europe, for the past 70 years, and that Russia is still a threat to stability today.'

The EU has done nothing at all to maintain peace, other than perhaps keeping the perennial problem-causers France and Germany in alliance to build a joint empire. NATO however, has done the job of protector and peacekeeper. Russia is a threat because it remains unstable, but we should remember that it was the expansionist moves of the EU that provoked Russia to protect its 'area of interest' in the Ukraine.

The most common bleat of course is the enormous amount of trade and therefore jobs that we will lose if we leave the EU. You will notice again, there is never any actual public debate on the issue, because like Global Warming, if debate was allowed, then the lies would be too easily exposed.

The EU is a political project, nothing more. It is to build the empire the French and Germans have constantly sought by perpetually bringing war to Europe. That would be the French, who after folding with remarkable speed in WW2, sided with the Nazis and placed their forces at the disposal of the Axis, even fighting British forces.

They whinged when we left via Dunkirk, because they felt we should fight to save their country while not that concerned to do it themselves. Despite the fact that we risked British lives and ships to evacuate 140,000 of their soldiers. And what did most of them then do? They went back to France and were made POW's! A mere 7000 joined De Gaulle's Free French and even then, the number involved in D-Day, the landing to liberate France, was 177.

De Gaulle, epitomising the French hauteur  suggested that the country that no longer existed as an independent entity, France, should join with Britain to become a single state. Nice. No doubt he felt that he was the man to run it too. There is a word for people like him and it cannot be used in front of children, but applies equally to the tribe in Brussels.

There is of course much else; as we constantly see from examples like Spanish house purchases by Brits, to French rules for French farmers benefit, to the Greek tragedy, we are not a single people. There is no demos.

If we see merit in the trading bloc bit though, fine, stick with that for now. People are deliberately mislead naturally, about what the EU is. You do not have to be in the EU to be in the Single Market. And as for influence, well we ain't got none. We are one voice in 28 and are represented at the international level by the EU.

Most new laws originate as ideas outside the EU with International bodies, ones where the old British seat is empty. They then make decisions, the EU rep having had 'his' say and is then converted into EU law. If we were back as a real sovereign state, we could go to the meetings on our own account and have our say directly. Like Norway does. Inside the Single Market but not the EU.

We don't have to copy that idea, we can have our own, tailored to our needs. But here's the thing. The big leaders meetings are not about negotiations and getting things done. That all happens behind the scenes, as Margaret Thatcher found out after being convinced by snivelling aides that the EU had a point (which it does, if you are a bureaucrat). When banging the table and meeting blank stares someone kindly took her aside and explained the deal had already been done.

Just enjoy the meal and smile for the photoshoot. And just like her views on Global Warming, she changed her mind when she found out more. (The Left of course, only ever mention she supported both).

So it really is simple. We leave the EU but sign up for the Single Market. Which solves our immigration, balance of payments to the EU, lawmaking, tax and employment problems (or at least gives us the chance to find cures) and shuts up the ignorant savages at the CBI and beyond, who want the political union for some undefined reason.

If however, you want more of the Greek experience, more state control, indeed more of a Soviet Union of Europe, then please vote for it. It may be the last bit of democracy you see. And you get the Euro! Happy days.

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